New Life

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Rayna's family was gathered around enjoying each other. Tyra had beaten the cancer and she was perfectly healthy. It was a long fight but it was over. Everyone congratulated her and expressed their love for her. Rayna was right by her side. The relationship for her mother had grown and even though Rayna could not forget she was could forgive. Her mother was playing a huge part in her life now that she had moved back to Texas. The Clarke family was more of a family than they had ever been.

Rayna had reached her nine months. Her doctors didn't think she would with the multiples she was baring inside her. She was due at any minute. The month of February was an anxious month. Her family doted on her 24/7. If she up in the middle of the night, someone was with her. Someone was always around her and be cautious in case her water broke. Even someone checking on her every five minutes. Anytime Rayna took a deep breath she got looks from her family.

Rayna took deep heavy breaths. Her breaths were labor and made it seem like she was in pain. She felt her stomach get tight. It was like a cramp times ten. She had been having these all day.

"Rayna, honey are you okay?" one of her aunts asked.

"I'm fine." Rayna replied breathing hard.

"It looks like you are going into labor."  Maya said.

"What?" Kevin said with a mouth full of food.

"No. Just help me up." she said. Maya and Tellis eased her off the chair and once Rayna was about to take a step, she felt wet. She saw a large puddle at her feet.

"Shit!" Kevin hissed.

"Dad!" Maya yelled.

Her family rushed her to the hospital. She laid in the hospital bed wincing at her contractions. Rayna felt her life turn around so fast. She took time to reflect on her life. She saw her entire life flash. From her childhood, Ben, hating Tyra, going off to college, meeting Anthony, loving him, Ben's death, Anthony proposing to her then the wedding, them making love, then trials and tribulations. Her and Anthony growing apart, Tyra's cancer, the amends and forgiveness. Then, finding out about her pregnancy. The divorce. Everything right up until this moment.

Rayna had been through a lot and this was a defying moment in her life. She was bringing new life into the world. 

"Congratulations Ms. Clarke, it's a girl."

The tiny infant didn't even cry. Just a light whimper. Barely even made a sound until the doctors made her. Rayna could see the glow on her little girl. She looked like a complete angel.

Minutes later, Rayna was numb from the meds but could still feel herself stretch something slip out of her.

"You have a boy, Ms. Clarke." the midwife said.

The baby gave a soft cry. Rayna saw her handsome little boy. He even looked a little bigger compared to his sister.The nurses took him to clean him off as they did the girl. 

"Just one more, Rayna." Tyra said patting her shoulder softly. "You're doing so good, honey."

Rayna felt a struggle. She had to keep herself awake. Her body was numb and she was so tired.

"Stay with me, Ms. Clarke." the doctor said.

Rayna felt something slip out of her. She forced herself to stay awake and see one more baby. This baby did not move nor cry. Not even a sigh of life. Time had to have stop because everyone in the room was frozen. The child was pale, like a limb doll from a cheap toy store. One of the older nurses signed for the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. 

"Ms. Clarke, I..." the doctor started.

The child began to stir and cough. It whimpered then wailed. Crying louder, louder than the other two children. It was the longest 30 seconds of Rayna's life. To watch her child go from a limb ragdoll to a scream banshee. 

Rayna took a laugh of relief.

"Congratulations, another boy."

Tyra kissed her daughter's forehead as Rayna laughed and cried tears of complete joy. She did it. Despite the odds, she gave birth to not one but, three. Three beautiful babies. They were all hers. She didn't care about her circumstances. Rayna was blessed with three gracious gifts from God. She felt truly blessed. She was the luckiest woman in the world and even if she was slightly gone mentally, she was smiling. Nothing at this point could break her spirit.

3 children. 1 girl, 2 boys. Each 15 minutes apart from the other.

Her family sat in the room marveling at the three children. Rayna held one of them as the other two were held by Maya and Quentin. She looked down at her third. He looked exactly like Anthony, so did the other son. The resemblance was apparent. These were truly his sons.

There was a knock at the door. Tellis opened it for the nurse.

"Hello, Ms. Clarke. How are we doing?" she asked.

 "Fine. Perfectly fine." Rayna responded. This was truly the happiest day of her entire life. The one day she would always remember. She was so elated and enthralled in her three babies that she couldn't even feel the fatigue that most mothers feel after giving birth. 

"Outstanding. I came to bring you the papers. If you go ahead and fill these things in, we can get them processed as soon as we can." The nurse said setting the documents on the table.

"Thank you." Rayna said as she left. "Mom, can you take him so I can take care of this real quick?"

"Sure, honey." Tyra said taking the baby.

Rayna picked up the papers.

"So what are their names?" Maya said.

"The girl is going to be Ivy." Rayna said filling in the papers.

"What about big man over here?" Kevin said holding the second baby.

"Sawyer." Rayna said remembering the name that Anthony wanted. 

"And your third?" Tyra asked rocking the child.

"Anthony Junior." she said.

Everyone looked at her.

"Anthony?" Tellis said.

"Yes. Ivy Alondrya. Sawyer Allen. Anthony Junior." Rayna said pointing at each child.

"Our last name? Or his?" Quentin asked.

"His." Rayna said moving onto the next paper.

"Why?" Kevin said.

"They are his children. He is their father." Rayna said looking up at them. "And I don't see why not?"

"I agree." Tyra said.

"But Rayna..." Kevin started.

"But nothing. It's on their birth certificates. It's final." Rayna said putting the pen down.

"Are you sure?" Maya said.

"I'm positive." Rayna said.

Rayna loved her family but, she didn't appreciate them second guessing. Since she had gotten pregnant, Rayna had been in a fight. A fight for her children.

Usually, a triplet pregnancy is a scary one. She wasn't expected to make it to 9 months. Plus, there was no guarantee that all of the children would see the light of day. Rayna was determined to bring her all three of her babies into the world. Ever since the ultrasound where she discovered she'd be having triplets, she made it her goal to bring all three to life. And now that she had, her new goal was to bring them up as best as she could.

Rayna was going to be a model single parent. She was going to carry on happily. Without Anthony.

Rayna had brought new life into the world. Her children. Her babies. Her everything. Three beautiful little children and nothing was going to get in her way.

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