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If you have made it this far, thank you. It's been a real dream writing this story. I've had fun and I'm thankful to have people reading this story. I hate to close this story but, it's on to other things. To those that voted and commented and have been loyal enough to keep coming back, I am grateful to you. I hoped I've given you guys and a great story to read. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't for people actually reading this story. I owe it all to you guys, I really do. If I didn't have reads or votes and I would probably have just stopped the story all together. But it was the people who read that kept me going so there for I thank all of you. I hope everyone has enjoyed this story as I have enjoyed writing it.

Also, I am working diligently on an Odell Beckham story. It will be here in late spring. I'll make another announcement when it will be dropped so no one is caught off guard.

Be on the lookout for the next thing and in the meantime, take care yourselves and take care of each other. Give love and be loved.

With love,


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