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Coach Kenneth was still upset that he couldn't have Rayna. She didn't even give him a chance. Here she was with someone and he was left with nothing but, a stolen kiss. That was nowhere near enough. He wanted more of her and wasn't going to stop until he got it.

"So, I was thinking this weekend if it's okay to have a nice family outing." Anthony said.

"Where you thinking of going?" Rayna said putting a chip in her mouth.

"I've heard the kids talking about going to Kemah Boardwalk. I've never been and heard it's someplace that's fun in Texas. We could let Ivy bring Esmeralda. The kids can have a little fun and you and I can have some quality time" he said taking her hand.

"Okay. We can work something out." she said smiling.

David walked in. "Hey, Rayna. Do you have the physicals for... Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company."

"This is Anthony. Anthony, this is Coach David Kenneth." Rayna said. She could see the look in Anthony's eyes as he glared at David. He stood up and studied David. They were both the same height and build. Anthony respectively held out his hand for him to shake it. He may not have liked this guy but, he still had to be respectful.

David studied Anthony and couldn't understand what made him better than him besides the money. Rayna should've chose better but, if that what she wanted then so be it. David shook his hand with a firm grip. Anthony matched his grip with an even tighter one.

"Nice to meet you. The boys talked a lot about you." David said.

"Yeah. I've heard a few things about you, too." Anthony said grimacing a little.

"You said you needed physicals, David?" Rayna said trying to distract them.

"Yeah. The kids for powerlifting?" David said.

"Nope, nothing like that." Rayna said.

"Okay. Let me know if you get anything." he said before walking out.

Anthony sat back down and went back to eating. "Don't like his vibes. I got a bad feeling about him."

"I know. Look, babe. I've been careful and all. Let's not worry too much." Rayna said.

"How can I not worry?" Anthony said.

"Because, I'm not. Look, it's fine. He'll get over it and me." she said.

"Hopefully. So, are Anthony Junior and Sawyer excited about the combine this weekend?" he asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, they are. They'll have a lot of fun. They are really looking forward to it." Rayna said.

David was just around the corner, listening to them. He was coming up with a plan to get Rayna with him. Or at least, underneath him.

It was the next day in the boys' athletic period. They got called into Head Coach Roberts' office.

"What's up Coach?" Junior said.

"I hate to tell you boys this but, I don't think you guys will be able to go to the combine." Roberts said.

"What?" Both boys said.

"Coach, with all due respect, we've been busting our ass. How can we not go?" Sawyer said.

"Coach Kenneth doesn't feel as if you boys are fit to go." Roberts said.

"Fit to go?" both boys said in shock. "Coach, we put the team on our backs this year." Junior said. "We have a great season and get the school to state and win and all of a sudden we are not going to the combine!"

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