Caught In The Act

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Anthony and Rayna were having lunch in the trainer's office at the kids' school.

"How's your day so far?" Anthony said.

"Fine. Just waiting for the end of it. Do you mind picking up dinner tonight?" Rayna said.

"Of course." he said wiping her chin.

"Ask Ivy. It's her night to pick dinner." she said. "God, I'm so tired."

"Well, the semester is almost over. We get Christmas and New Years'. Just hold out a little longer." Anthony said taking her hand.

Rayna's personal phone rang and she looked at it. "Your son has been annoying me like there is no tomorrow."

"What does Junior have up his sleeve now?" Anthony said.

"Not Junior. Sawyer." Rayna said.

"What? Reallly?" Anthony said. Sawyer was more of the mellow child compared to Anthony. He didn't cause a lot of trouble. For him to annoy Rayna is surprising. "What's up with him?"

" asking to take out this girl." she said.

"What?" Anthony said. "Well, that's not too bad is it? I mean, Ivy has Esmeralda."

"No, it's not bad. However, I have heard some rather...unsavory things about this girl." Rayna said.

"Like what?" Anthony said shuffling some food around.

"She...has been around the block. To put it in more censored terms." she said.

"How do you know this?" he said.

"The students here talk a lot. I've heard a lot about these kids and she is no different." Rayna said. "I don't want Sawyer nor any of my children caught up in some mess much less the little fast ass girls."

"Or you just want them to stay your little babies?" Anthony teased. Rayna picked up a cherry tomato out of her salad and threw it at him.

"They will always be my babies. I just don't want them making mistakes. Especially, the ones that will hurt them." she said.

"Look, they are growing up. Mistakes are apart of life. True as parents we want to shield them but at the same time we need to let them spread their wings and experience life now." Anthony said.

"So you are saying I should let Sawyer go out with this girl? Knowing she is not innocent?" Rayna said.

"Baby, you know kids. They talk and spread lies. Get stories mixed up. You said you've heard so much, you may have the story messed. Maybe this girl isn't like that. Have you met her?" Anthony said.

"No. I haven't." she said.

"Well, let's give her a chance. Let Sawyer take her out or something and let's go from there." Anthony said.

"I'll think on it." Rayna said going back to her food.

Anthony had gotten the kids from school and there was another 45 minutes or so until Rayna would be home. The kids insisted on waiting for their mother. To kill time, he had them sit down and make sure all homework was done.

"Is everyone done?" Anthony asked coming from the backyard where he had just fed the dogs.

"Yes sir." Ivy said.

"Alright. You know the routine. Let me see." Anthony said taking a seat at the table.

"You only really need to check Junior's." Sawyer said.

"Haha. Very funny." Junior said sarcastically.

"Alright. Alright. Calm it down." Anthony said taking a look at Ivy's work. "Ivy, when do you plan on typing this essay?"

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