Wrong To Want?

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Anthony and Ariane had been married for two years. They enjoyed themselves and each other. Even buying another home for them. Ariane abandoned her music career once she had claim to Anthony's finance. Her plan was half way through. 

Anthony had came home from working out and smelled food in the kitchen. Ariane hired a maid to cook and clean. Ariane was done playing housewife. She wasn't made for the domestic life. Anthony didn't like her going out and coming back at odd hours. True, in Seattle Ariane was an elite socialite. However, he wanted his wife at home. Not her going out to be the belle of the ball.

Anthony wanted a wife to cook and clean. Someone to come home to. He wanted an immediate best friend. He and Ariane had five years under their belt. They basically knew everything about each other however, sometimes Ariane just gave the appearance that she didn't care.

There was one day that Anthony had gotten off the phone with his mother. The news he received scared him; his father started to get ill. The doctor's said it was something minor and with some antibiotics he'd be healthy as a horse in no time. He spoke to Ariane about it but, she just seemed to tune him out. Giving nods, and mm-hmm's like she just couldn't be bothered by it.

"I'd just feel better if they moved out here where I could get to them easier." Anthony said messing with one of the throw pillows on the bed.

"Mmm." Ariane moaned petting the Pomeranian and going through her magazine.

"Are you listening to me?" he asked.

"Yes." she said blandly.

"What do you think about me moving my parents out to Seattle?" Anthony asked.

"Just do what you want." Ariane said waving her hands.

"I've been thinking about dying my hair blue." he said.

"Sure." she said.

Anthony was like a needy child. He didn't like being ignored, brushed off, or someone not giving him the attention he asked for. He pinched Ariane's ankle.

"Ow!" Ariane yelled scaring the dog and making her scurry off. She attempted to kick him in his ribs but Anthony caught her feet and dragged her towards him. He started tickling her legs making Ariane erupt in laughter. He kissed her neck then kissed her passionately. Soon, they started making love. 

Anthony had one other problem. He still wanted a child. He waited awhile like he should have the first time. However, he didn't want to wait much more. He wanted his family and he wanted it now.

He took Ariane out to dinner one night. This was the night he was going to ask. The night was right. It was one of the few good weather days that Seattle was going to get this week. They ate under a pavilion. Anthony and Ariane made good conversation. Once he got her all warmed up, it was time to pop the question.

"Ariane, I want to ask something of you?" Anthony said wiping his mouth with his napkin.

"Okay. Shoot." she said taking a sip of wine.

"How would you feel about having a baby?" he asked.

"A baby?" Ariane asked.

"Yes. You know I've always wanted a family. What do you say?" he said getting a little nervous.

"Oh...I guess I haven't told you this. When I was in college, I got my tubes tied." Ariane said.

"What?" Anthony said feeling his heart drop.

"Well, I just...I didn't like the idea of kids. I didn't want to take birth control. The whole hormone imbalance scared me so I got my tubes tied." she said.

"Why...why wouldn't you tell this?" Anthony said.

"Well, it was a little personal at the time. Plus, that's not something you say on a first date. 'Oh by the way. I had my tubes tied so no kids. Hahaha'. Yeah, no." she said.

"Well, would you be willing to get them untied?" he asked.

"Hmm." Ariane began to shake her head. "No. It's just not the right time. Let's wait a little longer."

"Ariane, I really want a child." Anthony said.

"I'm sure you do but, I'm not ready for a baby. I mean I'll get fat, moody all the time, clothes won't fit, cry over everything." Ariane said. "Being pregnant is just too much."

"Well, I'd be right there with you. We'd do it together." Anthony said.

"I'm going to be one screaming in the delivery room, not you." she laughed.

"Come on. Reconsider." he pleaded reaching for her hand. Ariane pulled away.

"Stop asking me!" Ariane said irritated. "I said no, okay! I don't want a baby. This is like every other time you ask me for something. I'm the one that's supposed to put what I want aside for you. No, I won't do it."

"Ariane, I know what you are thinking. Let's talk about this. Once you hear me out, I'm sure you'll actually put your mind to having a baby." Anthony said.

"Is that what you said to that fat bitch before me?" Ariane said.

"What?" Anthony said surprised that Ariane would speak that way.

"You probably told her the same thing and look where it got you. Anthony, if I say no, it means no. Don't ask me again." Ariane said. Anthony sat back in his seat. He was like a child that got his hand brutally smacked for trying to reach for a cookie. "Maybe, kids just aren't in the cards for you."

Anthony felt hurt and betrayed. No, he wasn't out to just wife women up and get a baby. He just wanted a child. He wanted a mini person jumping up and down on the bed, waking him up for breakfast. He wanted to teach his child how to tie their shoes. He wanted to take his kid to school on their first day, pack a lunch, sign permission slips for field trips. Watching his young one light up as they tore the wrapping paper off a box during Christmas. He wanted to go to little league games and teach his kid how to be a great leader. To buy the kid and car, watch them go off to prom. See them to graduation. He even wanted to pay for college. Anthony wanted that experience. The further he got in his marriage the more it seemed like he wasn't going to get it.

Was it wrong for him to want? To yearn for something? Was he at fault for the failures in this marriage? What about in the one before? The one thing he'd give up anything for just seemed so impossible.

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