Tell Him

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Alexis and Terry marveled at the three little babies in their little carriages. Rayna had a safe and healthy birth plus the surgery to fix the skin of her stomach. She was elated about the children she had brought into this earth. Three beautiful babies and they were all hers. Ivy Alondria, Sawyer Allen, and Anthony Junior.

"Rayna, you did a hell of a job." Terry said.

"Thank you, Terry." Rayna said glaring at her children.

Rayna was so much happier now that these children were born. She got a new house to accommodate to her and her children. The money from the divorce settlement was set aside for the children. Also, her parents had provided her an amount of funding to keep her comfortable until she was able to get a job. You would've thought she never went through a divorce.

"Marian and Allen have gotten to see them?" Alexis asked.

"Yes, they came down once they were born." Rayna said rubbing Ivy's stomach as she cooed.

"Does Anthony know? Are they going to tell them?" Terry asked.

Rayna sighed and looked at them with soft eyes.

"These kids shouldn't go without their father." Alexis said.

"Guys, look. I told Anthony. If he didn't believe me then there is no way he will now." Rayna said. "These kids do deserve a father but..."

"But nothing Rayna! Tell him. Call him, email him, send a letter, a fucking smoke signal. He needs to know. Do not let these kids grow up without him." Alexis said.

"What if he still doesn't acknowledge them? Then what?" Rayna asked.

"He will. The least that man can do is send child support." Terry said.

"I just want my children to be happy." Rayna said looking on at them.

Rayna got on her computer that night. She opened her email and began to type a letter to Anthony.

"You can say I'm lying and that's fine. However, you will not deny that we did not love. From that love came these three children. These are your kids, Anthony. I am not asking for you to come back to me. I'm asking that you care for our babies. Help me provide for them. Love them because they are of your blood as they are of mine."

Rayna added a picture of the children and hit the send button. If Anthony did not respond, she knew that she was going to be on her own with these kids. Rayna was already prepared to be a single parent if need be and definitely had the means of doing it. She had her family supporting her so she knew that she wasn't going to be alone.

Rayna leaned against her headboard and took a deep breath. She heard one of the children cry over one of the baby monitors. She walked into their nursery. Anthony Jr. was whining and flailing, needing his mother's attention. Ivy and Sawyer were fast asleep as if they were deaf to their brother.

Rayna carried the infant over to the rocking chair and sat down with him in her arms.

"Ssh. I got you." she said rocking him. She kissed his little hand and rubbed his fingers. He began to relax and look up at his mother. Rayna smiled at him.

The lives she brought into this world were so beautiful. Motherhood looked good on her. From abandoned and broken to happy and thriving. She had a family to provide for. Three children needed love, food, clothes, a roof over their heads and Rayna was ready to devote her life to them. Anthony had to become a non-factor in order for her to be fully committed to these kids. They were her life now.

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