Keys To The Kingdom

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Rayna and Anthony had reached the two month mark after finally deciding to pursue a full on relationship. Anthony was at her house all the time even though he had his own place just 15 minutes away. Whether, it was the kids needing him, he was invited to dinner, or Rayna calling him up for some quality time, Anthony was always at Rayna's house.

"I think Dad should just move in." Ivy said.

"He's here all the time." Sawyer said. "I don't see why not."

"Yeah. And I don't exactly like having to go back and forth between here and dad's house." Junior said.

"It's been two months. Do you think we can reach our goal?" Ivy said pointing to the chalk wall in their room.

The twins had written several bets as to their parents relationship. They predicted that their dad would move into their home within two months of their parents sleeping with each other. They were nearing that mark and they wanted every prediction to come true.

"But, is Mom ready for something like that? Him living with us?" Sawyer said.

"Mmm. We don't need to push Mom into anything she doesn't feel comfortable with." Junior said.

"How will we know if we don't talk to her? She should be comfortable. How many times has he slept here?" Ivy said.

"Look, how about we go find Mom and talk to her ourselves?" Sawyer said.

"Let's do it." Junior said getting up off the floor.

The kids went downstairs to find their Mom out in the front yard with the dogs.

"Mom?" Ivy said as they went up to her.

"Hey, kids." she said. "I was just about to come ask y'all if you could walk the dogs."

"We'll do it but, we want to ask you something." Sawyer said.

"Okay, ask." Rayna said.

"How are things with you and Dad?" Junior asked.

 Rayna looked up at them. "Why?"

"We...were just wondering if things are okay with you and Dad." Ivy said. "We can wonder about you and him can't we?"

"Yes. And if you have to know, we are doing very well." Rayna said.

"Is there a possibility that he would end up living with us?" Sawyer asked.

"Why?" Rayna asked going to turn off  the water hose.

"I mean, Dad is here all of the time. Even if we are at his house, you guys are always on the phone or you come over. We just feel like you guys are so close and there is no reason for you guys to be so far apart." Anthony Junior said.

"Plus, it's a little frustrating for us to be here one week and then the next week we are at his house..." Ivy said.

"Then we wake up to see you in his kitchen." Sawyer said.

"Honestly, Mom. It's no point to go back and forth and y'all won't do nothing but, be where the other is." Anthony Jr. said.

Rayna had thought about Anthony moving in with them. The kids had a point. There was no reason for Anthony to leave 15 minutes away but, he was always at her house. It didn't matter, they still ended up together.

"I see what you guys are saying." Rayna said.

"We're not trying to make you make a decision or anything. We just wanted to mention it." Ivy said.

"Okay. Go get the dogs' leashes. Be back before the street lights come on." she said.

Rayna was making dinner when the doorbell rang. She went to the door and let Anthony in.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey." Rayna said smiling. They embraced and gave each other a quick kiss. "Come sit down. I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what's going on?" Anthony said taking her hand as she lead him to the living room. Rayna sat him down and went into her office. She came back with a small box and handed it to him. "What's this?"

"Open it." she said sitting next to him and putting her legs in his lap.

Anthony opened the box to see a key. He turned to Rayna and waited for an explanation. 

"You don't have to ring the doorbell anymore." she said. "You can come in whenever you want. You know when we're home." 

"So, I'm getting the keys to the kingdom." he said.

"Yes. And for a little can leave some clothes here." Rayna said taking his hand.

"Oh really? I can have a drawer?" Anthony said.

"I can clear a part of the closet for you. And you can have a drawer." she said.

Anthony kissed her lips then Rayna deepened it. He pulled away and smiled at her. She kind of had that disappointed look. "What's wrong? That's not all it is."

"We could probably work into it. First a toothbrush. A drawer. A whole side of the closet..." Rayna said.

"What comes after the whole of a closet?" he said kissing her hand.

"Making you a permanent resident. 2 vehicles in the garage instead of one. You cooking the family meals, you shopping for groceries." Rayna said as she started to laugh.

Anthony started to laugh. "We'd switch roles? You really want me here, with you." 

"You did say home is where your family is. We are your family." Rayna said.

"I could just sell the house. Live here. Be a stay at home dad." Anthony said.

"Oh my God. That will be a sight to see. Let's just take it slow. Take baby steps...first the toothbrush." she said.

Rayna and Anthony laughed before kissing each other. Anthony pulled away. "Where are the kids?"

"Walking the dogs. I gave them until the street lights came on." she said. "Why?"

Anthony looked at the clock. "We have some time on our hands." He had this smirk on his face that Rayna knew all too well.

The oven started beating. Rayna quickly got up to get her dish. She got it out and Anthony was right on top of her. He kissed her cheek and held her waist.

"You're such a bad boy." she giggled.

"You better get used to it if I'm going to be living here." Anthony said before kissing her neck.

The kids came in and saw their parents on the couch laughing.

"Hey, kids." Anthony said.

"Hey, Dad." they said in unison.

"How was the walk?" Rayna said.

"Good." Ivy said.

"We already ate. Dinner is in the kitchen for you guys." Rayna said. The kids went and ate in the breakfast room while watching their parents on the couch.

"Do you think she talked to him about it?" Ivy whispered.

"She could have." Sawyer said.

"Sssh." Junior said snapping at them.

"Do you need help putting it on the key ring?" Rayna said.

"I think I can manage." Anthony said playing with the key.

"Don't lose that. It the only one you get." she said.

Anthony laughed then kissed her.

"He has a key!" Ivy whispered.

They high-fived each other. That was one bet down. They had several others to go.

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