Happy Birthday

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"You've never known how to wrap a gift." Ivy said shaking her head at her brother.

Anthony's birthday party was the next day. Junior was having trouble wrapping up his gift. "Aye, shut up. Hand me some tape."

"Do you think he'll like that?" Sawyer said.

"Positive. Have you seen what Mom got him?" Junior said putting his mess of gift wrapping paper in the trash.

"No. What did she get him?" Ivy said.

"It's this fancy ass watch. Similar to one she got Granddad before he died." Sawyer said.

"Oh. I have only seen Mom come home with Victoria Secret bags." Ivy said.

"Well, we know the other part of Dad's gift." Junior said.

"Stop!" Sawyer and Ivy groaned.

Rayna took out some icing and checked the cake she had put in the oven. Rayna had a lot to do. True, she got an early start but, she had so little time. She was surprising Anthony with his family flying in from Virginia and a whole spread of his favorite foods. Her house was always neat and clean so housekeeping was no issue. Terry and Alexis were coming down as well. Rayna wanted this day to be perfect for Anthony. The doorbell rang.

Rayna hurried to the door. She breathed a sigh of relief to see her friend. "Get your ass in here!" Alexis smiled and hugged Rayna.

"Girl, you know I'm always gonna be here." Alexis said. They let go so Rayna could hug Terry.

"You know we wouldn't miss this." he said.

"I'm so glad you guys are here." Rayna said as she hugged her god children, Alyssa and Terrence.

They all came in. Ivy, Sawyer and Anthony ran down to say hello.

"Alright, you kids go play. We have grown folk things to discuss." Terry said. The kids went upstairs.

"And I better not hear too much noise!" Alexis yelled after them.

Rayna laughed. "So what has been going on?"

"Nothing much." Alexis said finding a bottle of wine.

"We've been wondering about you guys." Terry said leaning against the counter.

"Great. Things couldn't be better." Rayna said. "I was shocked that Junior actually got on good terms so fast with Anthony."

"That's good." Alexis said. "The rest of the triplets are okay?"

"Yes." Rayna said thinking about good her family was doing at this moment.

"What about you and the birthday boy?" Terry said.

Rayna shrugged. "We're going one day at a time."

"So we are on the day where you throw him an entire birthday party." Alexis said motioning to the decorations and her kitchen full of food.

"I wanted to do something special for him. I know he hasn't gotten something like this in years." Rayna said turning on the stove.

"Hell no he hasn't. That bitch never did anything for him." Alexis said.

"She forgot his birthday 4 years in a row." Terry said. "I'm still trying to figure out why he stuck to her so damn long."

"Doesn't matter. He is where he belongs and that's all that matters." Rayna said.

"What time does the family get in?" Alexis said.

"In maybe 2 hours or so." Rayna said.

"What did you get him for his birthday?" Terry said.

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