Growing Up And Out

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Ivy, Sawyer, and Junior blossomed into beautiful teenagers.

Ivy took after her mother in everything. She looked exactly like her mother when she was in her teens. She grew an interest in the medical field, mainly wanting to be an athletic trainer or a physical therapist. Ivy made straight A's in everything. She was an absolute vision. Also she was happy her family could accept her being a bisexual and dating a female she went to school with.

Sawyer was one of the school's best football players. A defensive end at 5'11 and a half and 232 pounds of muscle and a force to be reckoned with. He loved football but, liked writing like his mother. He aspired to be comic book writer if not a published author. Sawyer made A's and B's here and there. For the most part, he was a good student.

Junior was a pretty okay kid. He played football and played quarterback just like his dad. He never acknowledge it but he was turning into his dad. Only difference was that he had anger issues. He stood at 5'11 just like his brother but weighed less. Junior had a strong passion for sports and was very protective of his mother. He didn't really have a plan of what he wanted to do. His grades fluctuated but at the end of the grading period his report still looked up to his mother's standards.

Rayna's career took a turn. Instead of working in a hospital setting, she took a position at the children's school to be the athletic trainer and also to teach the Sports Medicine classes. It also scared the kids a little seeing as their mother was literally a phone call away if anything went done. Plus, Rayna made them take her class just to add a little edge.

Anthony Sr. felt like his soul was fading. He wasn't dying but what excited him in life was. Anthony was nearing the end of his football career. It was his last season. He's looks may not have aged much but the way he played did. He was a little slower. Seahawks were still a great team and they had Anthony Steele to thank for that. However, he was on his way out.

Anthony got love from the fans but he wasn't getting love at home. He and Ariane had grown apart. She loved his money more than she even looked at him. Anthony felt so unappreciated. He tried telling himself and convincing himself that she loved him but, she proved everyday that she actually didn't. And that's where Anthony's fear of being alone came in. Just when he thought they would never get into a bad spot again, here they were.

Usually, this was when any ordinary man would slap the divorce papers in front of Ariane instead of keys to a brand new Audi. However, he just didn't like the sound of two failed marriages. Anthony didn't want to seem like the football player that couldn't stay marriage much less keep a woman.

The constant going out at night, the over spending, the shunning him all the time. Ariane even took exotic trips without even saying something to Anthony. Terry and Alexis constantly told him to put his foot down and explain to him that she was just a fake. Anthony listened but, there was still a part of that was latched onto the Ariane that enchanted him. He slowly began to see himself as pathetic. Anthony was hopeless. 

"Stop! That tickles." Esmeralda, Ivy's girlfriend, giggled.

They were laid up in bed, cuddled up to each other. Rayna approved of Esmeralda and she was welcome in the house. Ivy had called her over while her mother was out with some of the other teachers from their school.

"I know what else will make you giggle." she said getting ready to kiss her neck.

Anthony busted in with a laundry basket. "I don't mean to vagina block you, but can you fold your shit?"

"Really?" Ivy groaned.

"Yes, really." Junior said dumping her clothes out. Out appeared a Seattle Seahawk shirt with their father's number in green on the front. Something in Junior snapped.

"Why do you have this?" he growled.

"Because I wanted it." Ivy said.

Junior turned to the drawer in the hallway and pulled out a book of matches. Ivy jumped out of the bed.

"You are not going to burn my shirt!" she screamed.

"What's going on?" Sawyer said coming out of his room. Ivy followed behind her brother. Sawyer followed her as did Esmeralda.

"Give me my shit back!" Ivy yelled as she tried to stop him from going to the backyard. Junior pushed her out the way and proceeded into the yard throwing her shirt on the ground.

"Junior, stop and think about this." Sawyer warned.

"Ivy, wait!" Esmeralda yelled.

"Stop it!" Ivy yelled pushing on her brother.

"Get the hell off me." Junior yelled pushing her.

Ivy may have been a girl but, she put up a fight when it came down to it. When you live with 2 brothers, you learned how to be buck up pretty fast. She pulled on his shirt and dug her knee into his back. Junior reached with his long arm and pulled her off.

Sawyer sighed and got in the middle of them. "That's enough." He pulled them apart and Esmeralda ran over to get Ivy.

"Just because you hate him doesn't mean we all have to be miserable!" Ivy yelled.

"How can you even want to know him? He doesn't care about us!" Anthony Jr. said. "You've seen what he has done to Mom!"

Ivy's frustration came to a head when she pushed her brother into the pool. Everyone watched him resurface and rub his face.

"I'm sorry. It looked like you needed to cool off." Ivy said taking Esmeralda's hand and her shirt then walking back inside the house.

Sawyer helped his brother out and got him inside. This siblings didn't fight often. In fact, they were extremely close. The only time they only butt heads was when the subject of their missing father came up.

They still were family with or without a dad.

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