What A Beautiful Smile

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Anthony's organization, Children Of Steele, was hosting an event. They were doing a carnival day for daycares and orphanages all over the Houston area. Anthony had a heart for children and Rayna was with him in support. Also, they were raising money and all proceeds would go to orphanages and daycares in the area. Anthony knew this event was going to be a success and he felt even better with Rayna by his side.

There were games and rides from the children to enjoy. Anthony had turned this park into a wonderland for the children. For some of the kids, it was going to be the most fun they had had in a while. 

Rayna was being a good sport, playing with some of the children, taking pictures and meeting some of the organization's supporters. She went around meeting children and representatives from different orphanages around the city. She went up to one man who was holding a crying child.

"What's the sad face for?" Rayna said concerned.

"Oh, she is having a bad day. It's probably her nap time." the man said as he tried bouncing her.

"May I see her?" she asked sweetly.

The man passed the young girl over to Rayna. Rayna held her and rubbed her back. She hushed her child and the girl quickly calmed down. "See? All it takes is a little tender, love and care."

"That's the first time she has ever calmed down so fast. The rest of us seem to have a hard time with her." the man said scratching his head.

"What's her name?" Rayna asked.

"Hailey." the man said

"Well, she is absolutely beautiful." Rayna said bouncing her and smiling at the child. Hailey smiled back. "Oh what a beautiful smile she has. How old is she?"

"She'll be 18 months next week." the man responded. "We haven't had any families come to look at her since she has been with us. She is the only child that has been with us since birth."

Rayna felt sorry for the child. Hailey reminded Rayna of Ivy when she was little. Rayna asked for Hailey's story. Hailey was born a month premature. She spent a while in the hospital and once it was time for her to be released, her parents had skipped town. The hospital gave her to the orphanage and she had been there ever since.

"So no one has wanted her? Or even asked about her?" Rayna said broken hearted.

"I'm afraid not." the man said.

"Well, how about I'll be her mommy for today." Rayna said. Rayna carried the child around for the rest of the event. Anthony noticed her carting this baby around as if it were hers. He watched her feed this child, play with this child and smile at this child. Anthony didn't really know how to feel about it.

At the end of the event, it was time for all the kids to go home. Anthony was behind Rayna as she carried Hailey to the van for her orphanage.

"Bye, Hailey." Rayna said as she passed her to one of the ladies who were strapping the children in. Hailey whined and reached for Rayna, not wanting to leave.

"No. No." she whined. Rayna's eyes started to water as Hailey had captured her heart and it was hurting her to see this child sad. Rayna watched as she got strapped into the van and waved at Hailey. Hailey waved back at Rayna with her big hazel eyes.

Rayna watched the van drive off. She felt Anthony's hand wrap around her waist. "Ready to go home?"

"Yeah." Rayna said kissing his cheek.

Rayna was soaking in the bathtub, eyes closed listening to the smooth jazz. She felt water being splashed on her and looked to see Anthony looking at her, sitting on the side of the bathtub.

"Relaxed?" Anthony asked handing her a glass of wine.

"Yes. It's been a long day." Rayna said taking a sip.

"Seemed like it. With you carrying that one little girl around." he said.

"Oh, Anthony. That girl was adorable. She reminded me so much of Ivy when she was little. God, I miss being a mom." Rayna said.

"Most women who just got rid of three kids would be happy to finally be by themselves." Anthony said.

"Not me." she said sipping the wine.

Anthony chuckled to himself. "Well you still have the two dogs and me." 

"That's not the same as getting a report cards and teaching someone how to ride a bike." Rayna said.

"So what are you saying? You want us to have another baby." Anthony asked.

"Now, we both know people our age having children is a risk." she said.

"If you say so." he said.

The next day Rayna found the orphanage that Hailey was staying at. She went to a toy store and bought her a stuffed elephant. After work, Rayna took the trip to the facilities to deliver her present. 

Rayna sat and played with Hailey for a while. Her phone started to ring and she answered when she saw Anthony come across the screen.

"Hey, babe!"Rayna said rolling a ball to Hailey.

"Hey. What do you want for dinner? I'm out and about so I thought I'd pick up something and save you from cooking." Anthony said.

"That's fine." Rayna said. Hailey had walked up Rayna, babbling loud enough for Anthony to hear.

"Where are you? Are you around kids?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah. I'm at an orphanage." she said. Rayna began to tickle Hailey who erupted in laughter. "I'm visiting that little girl from the carnival day." 

Anthony thought it was strange about how taken Rayna was with this little girl. "Um, okay. I'll pick up something to eat and I'll see you at home." 

"Okay. I love you." Rayna said.

"Bye-bye." Hailey mumbled.

"Haha. Anthony did you hear her. She told you bye." Rayna said.

"I did. And I love you too."  Anthony said before hanging up.

Anthony still could not wrap his head around it. Why was she so caught up in this child?

It was time for Rayna to leave. Hailey gave her a picture that Rayna promised to keep. As she was passing the front desk, Rayna stopped and turned to the man at the desk. She had this burning sensation and something told her that she had to do it.

"Can I get some information about a child that is currently staying here?" Rayna said.

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