Talking Sense

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If there was anyone more disappointed in Anthony than Terry and Alexis, it was Anthony's family. Allen Sr. and Marian would call and check on Rayna to see how she was doing only get her voicemail. They've tried talking to Anthony only for him to avoid talking about the divorce. Allen Jr. couldn't believe the mistake his little brother was making. Kendall couldn't fathom it. His family was torn apart by him presenting papers to Rayna.

Allen Sr. was in shock. This wasn't the son he raised. The son he watched fall in love and marry a beautiful bright young girl from Texas. Everything had fallen apart so suddenly, they hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to Anthony about it. Allen wasn't going to sit idly by.

He picked up the phone and gave Anthony a call.

"Hey Dad." Anthony said cheerfully.

"Hey son." Allen said solemnly.

"What's up?" Anthony said.

"Anthony, I wanted to talk to you about your divorce." Allen said.

"Maybe, some other time Dad. Hey, I was thinking I fly to Virginia and let you meet Ariane." Anthony said trying to skid by the conversation.

"No. Son, listen to me. I need to know. Why?" Allen said.

"Why what?" Anthony said innocently.

"Why did you decide to divorce Rayna?" Allen asked.

Anthony got a cold chill down his back. This was going to be hard discussion with his dad. "We just drifted apart. There were things that were happening between us that just made us think of each other differently."

"Things so bad that you couldn't work it out? What about that woman?" Allen said getting a little annoyed. "Do you even really love her?"

"I love her and she loves me, dad." Anthony said.

"Does she love you better than Rayna did? Does she really even love you?" Allen said. "Son, this doesn't even make sense. You meet this girl and some how you are convinced that she is better that Rayna. So, you're telling me that the woman you vowed to never hurt, to never put down, to love and to cherish with every breath in your body, the woman who you said in front of me, your mother, your siblings and a bunch of other people was the woman that God made for you and other every circumstances you would always and forever love her is no longer the woman you loved."

"Dad, I..." Anthony started.

"No! You've spent, what, 4 or 5 years loving this woman. Loving her like she was the only woman on this planet. Then, along comes this one female who interested you enough to stray from your marriage. This woman was enough to make you leave everything you ever wanted for her." Allen said.

"Dad, can I say..." Anthony could hardly get a word in.

"Did you have sex with this woman?" Allen asked bluntly.

"What?" Anthony asked.

"Did you, Anthony Lamont Steele, have sexual intercourse out of wedlock with the woman that has seemingly influenced you to break your marriage? Yes or no." Allen said.

His dad had never spoken to him like this. Anthony was a good kid, mostly, so for his father to scold him like this was very unfamiliar. He couldn't even bring himself to answer.

"Fine. Don't answer. Let me say this and then I'll let you go. As your father, I've done my best to lead you, help you make the right decisions, give you the best advice a father could give a son. As your father, I'm telling you you made a mistake. As a grown man who has had a marriage for 30 plus years, you have made a mistake. You aren't a little kid anymore so I can't fix something for you how I used to. You are a grown man. A grown, handsome, successful man. You do what you want to do. Make your own decisions." Allen said.

"Dad, I'm...I'll talk to you later." Anthony said.

"Talk to you next time, son." Allen hung up the phone and put his head in his hands. He didn't believe the what was happening. That was still his son however. As a father, he had to support Anthony but, there were some things Allen just couldn't stand by.

"What did he say?" Marian said.

"Anthony's not in his right mind. The divorce is final. Marian, we can't rewind or go back and stop this." Allen said. "Have you talked to Rayna?"

"No. I've called, emailed. The poor girl isn't answering. I know Kendall has tried." she said saddened.

"I'll try getting in contact with Terry and see what is going on on her end." he said. "How is Kendall taking it? She feels betrayed. Like she lost a sister. Hopefully, if Rayna reaches out she'll speak to Kendall because I know she really needs to know that she'll be there for her."

"Yes, I think that would be best." Allen said.

"I'm just so worried about her. Divorces are never pretty no matter the circumstances." Marian said.

"He just rushed it so much, though. Did she even ask for anything?" Allen asked.

"No, not that I know of." Marian said.

"This is just so shameful." Allen said taking her hand and walking out to the patio.

"I just felt like Anthony would have told us if something was wrong. At least get some advice on what to do." Marian said.

"Can we not talk about this anymore? I think we've had enough today." Allen said.

Allen could drill words into Anthony's head as much as he wanted but Anthony would still run back to Ariane at the end of the day.

A/N: I know these chapters are short. We are in the exposition chapters so you guys will get a little more as we progress.

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