Oh Wow

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"Mom!" Ivy yelled. "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom." 

"Ivy." Rayna said. Anytime her children called several times in a row, she knew it was important.

"Esmeralda, just text me. Can she please come over today? Please, please." Ivy said.

"What about that summer reading project? Did you do it like you were supposed to?" Rayna asked turning around and winking at Anthony.

"Yes. I did. We all did." Ivy said anxiously. "Please can she come over?"

"Hmmmm. Show me first." Rayna said.

Ivy ran and headed up the stairs to get her project. Rayna started laughing. "She is always that excited when people want to come over?" Anthony asked.

"Haha. No, but she's a good girl." Rayna said. "I don't have favorites among my children but Ivy's my baby girl." 

"She looks like a good kid." he said.

Ivy ran downstairs and had her report in hand. She passed it to her mother. Rayna scanned over it, flipping the pages. She then passed it to Anthony for him to look at. He nodded after looking through the whole thing and passing it to Rayna.

"Okay." she said.

"Okay?" Ivy said anxiously.

"What time is she planning on coming?" Rayna asked.

"Thank you." Ivy said jumping and hugging her then hugging Anthony.

"Okay. Yes, you're welcome. Make sure that room is clean though." Rayna said. Ivy pulled away.

"That's Sawyer and Junior you need to tell, not me." Ivy said going back to the stairs.

Anthony laughed. "So, are you happy with your job?" 

"Yeah, it's not what I wanted but, I'm happy. Extremely happy." Rayna said.

"You look happy." he said.

"How was it? Your last year of football?" she asked.

"It was good. We had a good record and we played strong." he said.

"No, Anthony. I'm not the press or some perky journalist that wants the scoop. I want to know how was it for you. How did you feel?" Rayna said going to sit with him.

"I felt like I wanted to accomplish something. I wanted to cement myself as a great football player, leave no question about who I was." Anthony said. "I wanted to go out with a bang. After the last game, it felt good but, I felt...done. There was nothing left for me to do and that's how I felt. There was nothing left." Anthony hung his head feeling like a hallow shell of the man he once was. 

"I had accomplished everything. You would think I would feel like I was fulfilled. In all reality, I'm not." he said rubbing his once usual hands together.

Rayna came around and put her hands on his shoulders. "Hey. It's okay. You did great last season. You should be happy with yourself. You are one of the best players the NFL has ever seen. You've made history. You've set and broken records. Kids look up to you. People know your name and all you've done. Cheer up. You really should be happy."

"How can I? Look at Junior. He hates me." Anthony said. "How can I call myself a father? I've missed out on too much. That's time I can't get back. That's life gone down the drain, Rayna."

"No. Oh, come on. You are here now and together we will fix what is broken." Rayna said bringing him into her arms. Anthony wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her chest. "You're alive and well. You woke up this morning, you should be happy, Anthony. Once you realize your blessings and become happy with who you are the world will fall into place."

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