No Love

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Anthony looked out at the sky from his balcony deep in thought. His thoughts were momentarily interrupted by Ariane slamming the glass doors and cursing. He sighed. Since they had been married and that honeymoon phase had fizzled out, they seemed to be on the rocks slightly. Ariane was distant from Anthony but seemed real close to his bank account.

Anthony didn't like how she spoke to him sometimes. She talked to him like he was special needs child. She would outwit him and not in a good way. The only time they could really spend time together was if it was Anthony footing a large bill and his reward was a kiss on the cheek and maybe a nightcap, if he was lucky. Other than that Ariane had no love for him.

"Ariane?" Anthony said coming back into the house from the cool air.

"Anthony." Ariane said blandly then turning to him, sitting at her vanity.

"I want to talk." Anthony said going to sit on the bed.

"About what?" she said rolling her eyes and turning back to the mirror.

"I love you and I know you love me but,...I feel like the way you love me isn't right." he said.

"What are you talking about?" Ariane said.

"I just feel like the way you speak to me, it's a little disrespectful and it makes me look stupid. Plus, everytime, we want to go on a date, I don't mind paying. Money is not an issue but, can it not be extremely expensive? I'm not made of money." Anthony said.

Ariane smacked her lips. "Seriously? Anthony, you act like you could go broke at any time. Why not spend money when you have it?"

"Ariane, I came from a family that was poor and we struggled to live. My mother got sick from busting her back making a way for us. You learn to spend money wisely whether you have it or not." Anthony said. 

"You learn to spend money wisely whether you have it or not. Duh, duh, duh." Ariane mocked him. "Spare me that shit."

"Language." Anthony said. Ariane rolled her eyes again. "Look, how about we set up a date night? Instead of every week, how about every other week. Does that work for you?"

"Whatever, witcho cheap ass." Ariane said.

"It's not being cheap! It's being smart. That or we start splitting the bill 50/50." he said.

"Just leave me alone." Ariane said. "You're so childish. Always whining about shit. Like a little baby, crying over every little thing. Be a man for once."

She shed her robe and slipped under the sheets then turned out her lights. 

After this discussion, Anthony did not feel like going to bed. At least not with Ariane. He went into the home theater to watch a movie to get his mind off of what was going on. He didn't like sleeping with something weighing on him. After it got late and Anthony was starting to doze off, he dragged himself to his master bedroom and slept next his wife. 

The next morning, Anthony got up to go to practice. There was still apart of him that missed having big, wholesome breakfast waiting for him when he woke up. He had to make due with what he had now. 

Anthony got in the locker room and was immediately greeted by Terry.

"What's going on, brother?" Terry said.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Just ready to get through this week." Anthony huffed.

"You okay? You don't like alright?" he said sitting next to him.

"I'm fine." Anthony said. "Just great."

Terry could see that wasn't the case by him throwing his bag into his locker. "Anthony, stop. What's wrong? Is it Ariane again?"

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