The Brokenhearted

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Rayna wiped the mirror clean after her shower. It had been five days since the divorce was finalized. She was grateful to Terry and Alexis for allowing her to stay for the time being. However, she felt like it was time to move on.

She walked out of the guest bedroom and went downstairs to find Terry and Alexis sitting in the dining room.

"Hey." Alexis said cheerfully.

"Hi." Rayna said.

"You okay?" Terry asked.

"No." Rayna said. She had a smile on her face but, the tears started to fall. Alexis guided her to a seat and sat back down across from Terry.

"Rayna, I hate to ask this but, what's next for you?" Terry said.

"Great question. I don't have an answer right now. But, Terry, I just wanted to let you know. It's fine if you still want to be friends with Anthony. It's not going to make a difference to me." Rayna said.

"Rayna, look. We feel bad. We should've told you. We told Anthony to end it and tell you. We made the mistake in trusting him to do that." Alexis said.

"We all had a hand to play it this." Rayna said. "You guys are my friends and I won't hold anything against you guys. You thought you made the right choice and you guys tried. I won't blame you for anything."

"Rayna, we are so sorry." Terry said.

"It doesn't matter now. What's done is done and we can't change that." Rayna said.

"Do you have any idea at all what's going to be next?" Alexis said. "I know you said you weren't sure but, have you even thought about that?"

"I think the next step is to get my head in the right place. Take some time to breath before I really make a decision on me. Take baby steps before we start sprinting." Rayna said.

"You know if there is anything we can help with, we got you. Just ask." Terry said.

"All I need now is just support, emotionally, before I can really just be on my own." Rayna said.

"You can stay here as long as you need to." Alexis said.

"Thank you." she said.

It had been a month after the divorce and Rayna still was feeling the affects. All over were reports and blogs talking about the break up. It was hard for her to really look at it or even see on the internet. She'd turn on sports talk shows and a minute into watching them Anthony popped up. They'd talked about him, how great of a season he had last time and of course the failed marriage. Seeing all of this stuff was killing her. It was like choking someone who was having an asthma attack.

Rayna just had to stay off the internet for awhile. Shutting off her computer, only taking calls from family and close friends. There was no reason to torture herself even more. She couldn't even think about missing Anthony. All Rayna wanted to do was to get out of the media's eye. She didn't like people whispering when she went out. The stares, the side looks or the quick snapping of pictures.

Other women would capitalize on the spotlight. However, Rayna just wanted it to be over. Anthony wanted the privacy, too.

It was after a practice where Anthony had to speak with the media. With Ariane in his ear and seeing media pick apart their relationship, it was starting to annoy him. He went on the stand and behaved like he usually did for press conferences until the question came up.

"So, Anthony? How are you holding up after the divorce?" A reporter asked.

"You know, as much as I'm in the media and you'd think that exposure would help my career but, I don't like it. I'm a football player. I'm not someone whose scabs you can constantly pick at. It's a little rude for people to comment on a situation that so little is known about. Plus, what does my divorce much less my personal life have to do with me and my team. You know this is football. I'm going to go out there and play like I've always have. My team is going to do the same. If you guys can please leave my martial situation alone that would be great. I mean you guys are sports reporters not gossip reporters." Anthony said. "In other words, give me my privacy and focus on football."

Anthony went to Ariane's house and laid his head in his lap.

"So how was practice?" she asked.

"Fine. I'm excited for this season." Anthony said. "Are you going to be there to support me?"

"Of course. I'm always going to be here." Ariane said. She was willing to go a long way if it meant she was going to get Anthony's money. "As long as you love me, I'll always be here."

"I'm so glad I have you." he said taking her hand and kissing it.

Ariane smiled at Anthony. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into. Anthony felt like he belonged with Ariane. He was so sure that being with Rayna was going to be nothing compared to being Ariane. He was still going to cautious of their relationship but, deep down he knew their relationship was going to last.

"Also, I want to ask something of you." Anthony said.

"Anything." she said with a smile.

"I know we've already done it but, I want us to wait for sex. I feel better knowing that next time we will be married instead of just together." Anthony said.

Ariane cringed in her head. "Sure. I can wait." She didn't want to wait. She already had him before. Ariane felt like that was the one thing she had to keep him.

"I know it may be hard. However once we're married, we indulge in each other as much as we want." Anthony said.

Ariane smiled. This plan over hers was going to take years but, if it meant a house by the sea and a brand new Bentley she had to put her best foot forward. She wanted this money and she'd do anything to get it.

Anthony deeply loved Ariane. He thought she was the most beautiful angel God ever created. He was so happy to have her in his life. It was like Rayna never existed. He was so in love with her that he would've gave up anything... Or in this case something else to keep her.

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