Close Call

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Anthony had had enough of Ariane and her antics. It was over. After a week, he had worked up the courage. He talked to his lawyer and his agent about seeking out another divorce. He refused to go unloved and mistreated. He didn't go through breaking someone else's heart to have his own broken.

He was at Terry's house eating another meal by Alexis. Terry and Alexis watched him stuff his face. 

"So what was it you had to tell us?" Alexis said.

"That's if he can even say it with all that beef in his mouth." Terry joked.

"I'm divorcing Ariane." Anthony said.

Alexis and Terry weren't sure if they heard him correctly but, they both got this icy chill run down their backs.

"What?" they both said.

"I haven't told her, yet. My lawyer is drafting up the papers and will email them to me." Anthony said.

"Are you serious?" Alexis said.

Anthony nodded. "She doesn't love me. She doesn't respect me as a man nor a human being. I kind of hate to say it but, she doesn't need to be in my life if she does not love me."

"Are you sure about this? Is this your final decision?" Terry said sitting down next him.

"I'm positive. I'll have her move soon but, the divorce will finalize once the season is over. I don't need a distraction for this season." Anthony responded.

Alexis went into the kitchen, trying to hold back screams of amusement and happiness. Terry followed her and high fived her. They were overjoyed. Ariane was finally going to be gone from their lives.

Ariane came back from the studio and was ready to relax. She thought about what she said to Anthony and felt as if all would blow over. Anthony was going to come around and gift her like he always does. 

Ariane went upstairs and crept into Anthony's office like she had done before. Anthony always made the mistake of leaving his email open. Of course, Ariane went through it.

One email hit her right in her chest. "Divorce Papers". Ariane had discovered her own undoing. It was clear Anthony was fed up and was going to get rid of her. Just like she had him get rid of Rayna. It was too early now. Ariane saw her money slipping away from her.

Ariane was going to win him back. She wasn't going to lose this money. It was time to put on a show again.

Anthony came home. He didn't quite know when he was going to break the news to Ariane but, it would be soon. Anthony was preoccupied on the phone, texting his coach when he noticed the sound of smooth jazz music. The house smelled so good. Ariane appeared in a black silk robe and a pair of black stilettos. 

"I've been expecting you." she said strutting up to him.

Anthony was unimpressed by her display. He had no interest in her at this moment. Ariane placed her hands on his shoulder and ran them down so she could take his hands.

"I cooked for you." she said so sweetly and batting her eyelashes.

"Oh really?" Anthony said blandly.

Ariane nodded and took him to the dining room. She had his plate made and a Gatorade at the table. This was the first time Ariane did something that Rayna did for him in the past.

Anthony took his seat and studied his plate. There were 2 pieces of chicken, some salad, a loaded baked potato, green beans and two biscuits. It smelled good but would it taste good. Anthony prayed over his food and dug in.

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