Setting A Good Example

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Anthony woken up to see an empty spot in the bed. He could smell the sausage cooking and knew Rayna was cooking. He put a shirt on and went downstairs. He snuck up on her, grabbing her hips making her jump.

"Good morning." he said before kissing her cheek.

"Good morning." she said.

"You want some help?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, plus that gives us a chance to talk before the kids wake up." Rayna said.

"Okay? Talk to me. Is that about Sawyer?" he asked.

"No. Well, kinda. It's more about us." she said.

"Okay. Shoot." Anthony said.

"Okay. I think we should go back to our old practice and wait until marriage." Rayna said.

"You think that us having sex has had an influence on the kids?" he asked. 

"Yes. I raised them to wait for marriage and us having sex and we aren't married makes it look like that it's okay to have sex outside of marriage." she said.

"So, we're going to wait. Setting a good example for the kids." Anthony said.

"You aren't mad, are you?" Rayna said.

"No. Why would I be?" he said. "That just means I get to give my queen another dream wedding all over again."

Rayna smiled and gave him a kiss. "And we get another honeymoon."

Anthony kissed her cheek while pulling her in. "And you can't be wearing these maxi dresses anymore."

"What? Why?" Rayna said laughing.

"They tempt me too much. They show you off so good. I just wanna..." Anthony bit his lip looking her up and down, pulling on the dress.

"Uh-uh. Don't you do it." Rayna said.

"Then run upstairs and change clothes before you start something you're going to regret." he said.

Rayna smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. "Whatever Anthony. Check the oven before the biscuits burn."

Anthony laughed as he checked the oven. Breakfast was done and Anthony went to wake the kids up.

"Ivy, come on. Your mom has breakfast ready." he said. Ivy jumped out the bed and went to the bathroom. Anthony went to the boys' room to wake them up. They were already up and talking. "Breakfast is going to be on the table soon. You guys wanna head downstairs?"

"Yeah." Junior said. He stood up and stopped next to his dad. "You might to have a chat with him. He's a little uneasy." he whispered before going out into the hallway.

Anthony walked into the room and sat down on the bed beside him. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Not so good." Sawyer said.

"Talk to me. What's going on?" Anthony said.

"I guess I can only describe myself as ashamed. I'm ashamed of my actions yesterday. I know you and Mom are disappointed in me. That's not a good feeling." he said looking down.

"Son, it's okay. I'm not saying what you did is okay but, you're going to make mistakes. It's a part of being human. It's a part of growing up. Are me and your mother a little pissed off at you? Definitely. However, this was just a lesson. You've learned from it." Anthony said. 

"What about you? Did you wait until marriage with Mom?" Sawyer asked. As if on cue for the story time, Ivy and Junior came in. Anthony chuckled to himself.

"Well, here's how it went. Unfortunately, no. I did not wait until marriage. I was in high school, a little older than you guys. This was way before I met your mother. I made a mistake and I believe I paid for it." Anthony said. He continued his story about Bridget, the girl he ended up sleeping with. Sawyer listened and felt bad about the other day. At least, he could relate more to his dad with getting caught up with the wrong girl.

"So, that's why me and your mother advocate that you guys wait until you are married to indulge in sex. Take it from someone who made the mistake and paid a price. But, it was not like your mother cursing me out." Anthony said motioning to Rayna standing in the doorway.

"Mmhm. Yeah. Let's go kids. Food will get cold." Rayna said. The kids came out of the room and started to travel down the hallway. "Sawyer, come here. Baby."

Sawyer stopped and went to his mother. They both embraced into a hug with Rayna rubbing his back. "I'm sorry, Mom."

"You know I can't stay mad at you. You're still my son." Rayna said. Sawyer let go to go downstairs with his siblings. Anthony wrapped in arm around Rayna's shoulder. "I like you being a dad."

"Really?" Anthony said kissing her cheek.

"It's a bit of a turn on." she teased walking away. Anthony caught up to her and smacked her butt. She laughed as they went down the stairs.

The night was winding down. They had a long day. Even though Sawyer was on punishment, Anthony and Rayna took the kids out for a nice fun day. Sawyer was grateful for his lesson and at the end of the day thanked his parents. The kids were off to bed while Rayna and Anthony sat poolside.

"So how long before we can get married again?" Anthony asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. We can give it a year...maybe two." Rayna said running her fingers up and down her arm.

"The kids have only two more years left. You could quit your job, if you wanted..." Anthony started but was cut off by Rayna laughing.

"We had this discussion a long ass time ago, Anthony." she said.

"Hold on. Hear me out on this." he said.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Go ahead." Rayna said.

"You could stop working at the school. Not saying stop athletic training all together but, take off from that once the kids graduate. Get married..." Anthony said.

"Again." she said putting emphasis on the word.

"Right. Get married again. I'll become a house-husband. Work on the foundation. We could travel a little." he said.

Rayna laughed. "Oh, really? And what about hobbies? What are you going to do?"

"You know I always had a thing for golf. Maybe take a page from your book and write." Anthony said shrugging.

Rayna snickered and kissed his cheek. "We'll work it out." She latched onto his arm and held him close, letting her head rest on his shoulder. They sat in silence staring out at the scenery.

"Come on, let's get to bed." Rayna said letting go and getting up.

"Are we going to have one last rump or are we just going to close up shop until we jump the broom?" Anthony said getting up.

"Follow me and find out." she said seductively strutting to go inside the house. Anthony chuckled to himself as he followed Rayna to her bed.

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