Sending Them Off

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Rayna was in the living room. She was going through a scrapbook, wiping tears from her eyes. She ran her fingers across the photo of all three of her children in their Sunday best one Easter. Today was the day that she had to send them off to college. Instead of taking them to the schools, the children opted to go on their own. Plus, Anthony Jr. was going to a different college than his brother and sister. Rayna told herself that she would be ready for this day but, she wasn't so sure. 

She had housed, feed and nurtured them for years and now they were leaving to become their own people. Rayna always told her children that she would never stand in their way but, at the same time, like all mothers, just weren't ready for them to grow up. It all had happened so fast that she wished she got a do over. Just one more time to weep their noses or to tie a shoelace or help with homework.

Anthony put a glass of juice in front of her. "You taking a walk down memory lane, honey?"

"I just...Oh, Anthony they're leaving us today." Rayna said weepily.

"I know, baby. I hate it, too. Especially since I only got two years with them." Anthony said.

Rayna sighed. "They're growing up and I can't stand it. I just wish we had more time."

"We'll still be your babies." Ivy said with her brothers coming around the corner with her.

"Just because we are leaving doesn't mean that we won't come back." Sawyer said going to kiss his mother.

"Yeah. It's not like we are going off to war." Junior said.

"I know, I know. I'm just going to miss you guys coming down for breakfast every morning." Rayna said drinking her coffee.

"We'll come back for holidays." Ivy said.

"And of course, when football ends we'd have more time." Sawyer said.

"No matter what, Mom, we'll always come home." Junior said.

Rayna outstretched her arms for a hug. Everyone joined in.

Ivy, Sawyer and Junior brought their bags down. Rayna and Anthony had packed the cars the kids were going to take with the things that would use for their dorms. They offered to drive them to their schools but, seeing as they'd be going to two different places, everyone thought it was best to let the kids go on their own.

"You okay?" Anthony said leaning against the car.

"A part of me wants to get this over with. Another part of me wants to prolong it so, I get more time with them." Rayna said. Anthony leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"It'll be okay. Like they said, they'll come back when they can. I'm sure they'll call us when they wake up in the morning and again before they go to bed. And they'll send us tickets to football games to watch them play. Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays. They'll be here." he said kissing her hand.

Rayna sighed and nodded.

The kids came out of the house with suitcases in hand. "We're ready." they said.

Rayna and Anthony gave them hugs and kisses and some advice about college before letting them get into their cars. Anthony and Rayna watched them drive off. Once they turned from their street, they went back inside.

Rayna plopped down on the couch and took a deep breath. Anthony sat next to her with a glass of wine. 

"So what now?" Anthony said cuddling her.

"Well, we still have two dogs." Rayna said.

They both shared a laugh. "Yeah, let's see how that goes."

"It's been a long day. I'm in the mood for a nice hot bubble bath. And the bath tub is big enough for two people." Rayna said suggestively.

"I'll bring the wine." Anthony said getting up.

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