What Is Missed

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"Wake up." a soft voice said. Anthony stirred to open his eyes. He looked to Rayna laying in bed with him.

"Rayna?" he said.

Rayna stroked his cheek and kissed his jawline. She hadn't aged a day since he last saw her. She played in his hair and rubbed his chest.

"Your heart is hurting, I know." she said. 

"Rayna, I'm so sorry." Anthony said. "For everything I did to you."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you. Don't worry. I'll pick up the pieces. We'll put you back together again." Rayna said kissing his cheek. "I'll make everything better."

"You were too good to me." he said staring into her eyes.

"I'm still here. Stop talking like that." she said. "I'm not going anywhere."

Rayna kissed his lips then pulled away.

Anthony snapped awake. He sighed. That was third dream this week he had like that. Rayna with him. Always in bed next to him at their old house. Deep in his mind, Rayna was still prominent figure. He found himself thinking about her a lot since Ariane left.

Terry and Alexis were over at Anthony's house helping him move anything out that reminded him of Ariane. He put on a smile but, still couldn't believe what had happened to his life in past few months.

"Anthony, what about her car?" Alexis said.

"Sell it. Give it to Terrence. I don't care as along it's not in my garage anymore." Anthony said shredding their pictures.

Terry came out of the bathroom with a small velvet box in his hand. "Her ring? What about that?" 

Anthony got up and took it from him. He walked into his office and moved a Super Bowl postr from off the wall to reveal his safe. He entered the code and opened the heavy door. Anthony placed it on one of them shelves right next to another one just like it.

"What's the other box?" Alexis asked. Anthony pulled it out and opened it. It was Rayna's wedding ring. He had forgotten all about it. He rarely went into the safe. He glared at it remembering her and the beautiful times they had before Anthony had let a heathen destroy everything. 

Alexis and Terry saw their expression change. He sighed heavily. The box felt so heavy in his hands. Everything came rushing back. All they had been through. When they first met. How she was always there. How she never asked for anything. Everything about her. How he spat in her face and made her feel pain when he was under the control of that witch. 

Alexis reached and closed the book and took it from him. She put it back in the safe and closed it. "Is there anything else that needs to be done?"

"No. Go home. Kiss the kids for me." Anthony said.

"You sure? We can stay a little longer." Terry said.

"No. I need to be alone for a little while. Get myself together." he replied.

"Anthony, I'm sorry. I just don't feel comfortable leaving you here." Terry said. "Let's go out and grab something to eat. Have a little fun while the sun is still up."

"No. I just need some time to myself. I'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay. Don't stay in here cooped up for too long. Call us." Terry said worried about his friend.

"Thank you, guys. For everything." Anthony said.

Terry and Alexis left. Anthony went through his computer. He tried to find anything of Rayna. A picture, an email, something that was left from their relationship. Not a thing. It was like she never existed. Anthony had wiped every trace of her since their divorce. Anthony was regretting it. The more he dug through his files, the more guilt and tears came to him.

He wanted the best thing that ever to him back. Anthony wanted his one true love. He needed her. His heart was not whole and had not been since he pushed her out. This was what he got. Anthony was driving himself mad by mentally torturing himself. 

Anthony thought about what could have been. He and Rayna could've worked through their problems. They could have had that family. They could have been happy but, Anthony was the one that ruined his own chances. He thought about how dedicated Rayna was to trying to make his wish come true. Taking fertility treatments and trying to get him in the mood and all he did to repay her was hurt her. He committed the ultimate crime against her and now he had to pay the price.

Anthony had to be lonely. He had to feel suffering and it was like to be hurt and used. His chickens had come home to roost. The pain he inflicted on her and finally come back to tear him apart. This is what he got.

Anthony missed her smile. He missed her cooking. He missed her being there. Coming around the corner before he could even call for her. He missed her smell. He missed holding her close. He missed making sweet, unforgettable love to her at night. Rayna did everything. She was everything and now she wasn't here for him.

People might say he was only thinking about her because he was all alone now. And that was part of the truth. He also thought about her while he was still married Ariane. He wished Ariane was half the woman Rayna was. Rayna was a goddess and Anthony was the lowly wretch to which she blessed. No woman could match up to Rayna. And Anthony had realized that too late.

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