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The case went to court and David was convicted. The evidence against was the DNA under Rayna's fingernails and the footage from the security camera in the hallway that caught the entire ordeal. Rayna could rest in peace but, was still a little on edge. Even though she has been able to smile and be merry, there was still something about it weighing on her.

Anthony has not left her side. Through the course of getting to the trial, Anthony had moved in with Rayna, permanently. He ultimately switched places with Rayna and now he was the stay at home dad or "house-boyfriend". It was a term Alexis and Terry used to poke fun at the couple's past when Rayna was the one holding down the fort. Regardless, Anthony was happy to do it and had a building built for his foundation, Children Of Steele. He was getting accustomed to stay at home life while, helping Rayna get through her issues.

However, he noticed she wasn't all the way alright. Anthony loved Rayna with all of his heart and then some. If she needed help, she was going to have it. He just had to talk to her first.

It was a nice calm weekend and Anthony let the kids go and hang with friends from school but, made sure they texted or called him every hour to let him know what was going on and that if they were not back by nine o' clock, they'd be in trouble.

Rayna was resting by the pool enjoying a sunny day when Anthony came and took the lounge chair next to her. He took her hand and kissed.

"How are you doing today?" he asked.

"I'm just peachy." she said staring at the sky through her sunglasses.

"Can we talk about something? Only if you are comfortable with it?" Anthony said massaging her knuckles.

"What is it?" Rayna said lifting up her sunglasses and putting them at the top of her head.

"Are you really okay?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"Babe, you just asked me how my day was." she said with a bit of a laugh.

"You know that's not what I meant. I mean, are you okay? Are you happy and I mean truly happy? There's nothing bothering you?" Anthony asked.

Rayna couldn't keep a facade up with Anthony. He knew her better than anyone. There was no reason to beat around the bush so, she would just come out and say what she had to.

"I tell myself I am. I guess that's not the whole truth." Rayna said.

"Tell me what's wrong. Tell me everything." Anthony said taking her hand.

"Anthony, as much as I know it's over and how he can't hurt me...I don't feel the same." she said. "I was violated. Someone else used my body." Rayna got a little weepy and took a breath.

"Take your time, baby." he said kissing her knuckles.

Rayna took a breath. "A part of me is just still distraught about what happened. I'm stronger than this but, I just can't get over it. I'm not over it. I can smile, laugh and go about like any normal person. But, there's these moments when I just get a flashback and suddenly something is wrong all over again."

"Rayna, you've been through a lot. It's been a while and you and I both know you still aren't okay. I love you and I'm here for you and with you. I want you to go to counseling. Let's get you to talk to someone." Anthony said.

"Counseling?" she said weakly.

"Yes. You can get help. You can be over it all. I'll be here with you every step of the way. You won't be alone." Anthony said caressing her cheek. "We can do this together."

"I can't think of anyone else to do it with than you." Rayna said embracing him.

Like he said, Anthony got Rayna help. In time, she healed properly and was just fine. She didn't have a weight on her shoulders and could finally breathed. She could make it through a whole day with remembering that horrible day.

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