The Impact

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Anthony and Rayna's divorce was final.

They kept it private and under the radar. There was no fight, no struggle. Why? Because Rayna didn't have the strength to really ask for anything. Anthony agreed to send Rayna off with a nice amount of money to cover her to do whatever she wanted to do and she could keep Teenie. With everything settle, it was official. They were no longer married.

Alexis sat and consoled Rayna as she cried over her and Anthony being separated. Alexis had to save her from breaking down at the office and rushed to get her home so she could cry in peace. Terry had to sit outside in his backyard and just get away from it all. He felt disgusted that his best friend had really made the worst decision of his entire life. This made no real sense. How could Anthony deal such betrayal to not only Rayna but everybody. He made a vow, one that should have lasted forever. Terry couldn't even call him a friend at this point.

Rayna turned her phone off to avoid anyone calling to check on her. Whether, it was her family, Anthony's family or the other significant other's to Anthony's teammates that she was close with, she didn't want to hear it. It may have not been the best decision but Rayna just wanted to be left alone.

Alexis was in the kitchen making herself a drink when Terry came in. He hugged her from behind, burying his face in her neck. There was a sadness in the air. It felt like someone had been ripped from their lives. They were upset and torn.

Terry's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to see Anthony on his caller I.D.

"You better not." Alexis said.

"Wasn't thinking about it." Terry said putting it on silent and stuffing it back into his pocket.

"I don't care if that is your friend. I don't want to see his fucking face in this house." Alexis growled.

"I just feel like this is a nightmare and we should be waking up from it right now." Terry said.

Alexis downed her glass of liquor and proceeded to make another one.

"Has she said what is her next move?" Terry asked looking for a glass.

"She can't even think about formulating a sentence right now." Alexis said filling her glass then passing the liquor to Terry.

"I don't blame her." Terry said. "But, just... How in the hell is this going to play out?"

Just then the doorbell rang. Terry swallowed his drink and went to the door. He looked out of the window to see Anthony.

"Who is it?" Alexis said.

"Anthony." Terry answered.

"Do what you want. I just don't want him in this fucking house." Alexis said disappearing into the house.

Terry opened the door and stepped outside.

"Hey, what's going on?" Anthony said.

Terry stared at Anthony as if he didn't even know who he was. This wasn't his friend. The Anthony he knew wouldn't divorce the woman that he swore up and down was the love of his life. The only woman that could make him happy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Anthony said.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" Terry said.

"What are you talking about?" Anthony said.

"What the fuck do you mean what I'm talking about!?" Terry said angrily. "I'm talking about the bomb of a mistake you've made. All over some trick!"

"Do not call Ariane that! I love her." Anthony said defensively.

"Love her?! Love?! Negro, you got the damn devil in 6 inch heels controlling your ass." Terry said. "You've divorced Rayna! The one woman that has been there for you since day fucking one!"

"Don't cuss at me, Terry." Anthony said.

"Oh shut the hell up!" Terry said.

"You're supposed to be my best friend, Terry! You're supposed to have my back and support me no matter what!" Anthony said.

"Yeah. I'm also supposed to talk some sense into you when you going down the wrong fucking path! You are making a mistake. That heifer you got thinking will replace Rayna isn't any good. She ain't worth a damn dime compared to Rayna." Terry said.

"You right she's worth more." Anthony said. "Why are you taking her side?"

"Because you're so damn blind! I've seen tricks like her! She's going to turn you into her lap dog and bleed you dry when you least expected!" Terry said. "You talked about how you didn't want a gold digger but, you've got one right in front of you. Are you that damn stupid?"

"Ariane loves me." Anthony said blandly.

"She must have you wrapped around her finger so tight..." Terry said.

"So what? Are you still going to be here for me or not?" Anthony said.

Terry couldn't even answer. He went back inside his house and shut the door, leaving Anthony by himself.

Terry still wanted to be Anthony's friend but, he felt like he would be stabbing Rayna in the back again had he still helped out Anthony. He walked up the stairs and found Alexis sitting in the lounge chair on the balcony.

"What did he say?" Alexis asked.

"Wanted to know if I was still his friend?" Terry said taking the seat next to her.

Alexis looked at him. She knew Terry was torn and he had a right to be. She felt torn for him. However, Anthony did wrong and everyone knew it.

"Terry, I can't stand seeing her like this. This isn't healthy for her nor that baby." Alexis said.

"She didn't even ask for child support." Terry said. "Does he even acknowledge that possibility?"

"Anthony doesn't care about a lot right now." Alexis said.

Rayna stared at the wall with Teenie whimpering. Everything has been destroyed. She had it so good. She had every woman's dream and now it had been wiped away in a matter of weeks. All she had to show for it was a child, 1.5 million dollars, and a female German Sheperd. Rayna replayed the last 4 years over and over like it was movie right up until the divorce was finalized. The love of her life was snatched away from her.

Rayna couldn't even picture Anthony leaving her before. She thought there was no end to them. They would be together forever. Both would grow old and die in their sleep together. Something peaceful and sweet. They had something no one else had. Something everyone was sure could never fall apart.

But that proved wrong.

Passion In The Game 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें