No Good Food

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Football season was starting and Anthony had to prove that no matter how a divorce and bringing in a new woman defined him he was still a great quarterback. He made history before now all he had to do was break his own records. He had been in the media's spotlight for a while. It was 3 months after the divorce and blogs were picking him and Ariane apart. He didn't like it but, he noticed that Ariane was putting on a bit of a show.

One night, they were bombarded by paparazzi. He tried to push through them, ignoring them. Ariane, on the other hand, smiled and waved at the cameras. Ariane liked glamour. Anthony knew that by the very expensive dress she picked out while they were shopping one day.

It was okay to like extravagant things but, Ariane was little too much. Rayna did spend a little money here and there but, never picked the most expensive thing. Ariane had great taste but Anthony didn't agree with blowing the bank on a dress that she would only wear once.

Anthony was putting everything in his gym bag. Ariane was laying the bed flipping through a magazine.

"Have fun at practice, babe." she said not really paying attention.

"What are you going to do while I'm gone?" Anthony asked.

"I might go to the studio and record." she said.

"What about dinner?" he asked. "Are you cooking?"

"Sure. I'll whip up something." Ariane said.

Ariane spent the night very often. Most of the time, they would eat out. Other times, Anthony ended up cooking which he wasn't used to. A certain someone would always cook for him. That someone made great food and it was always ready when Anthony got in the door. That someone isn't here anymore. Ariane was going to have to step up and replace that someone.

Anthony had a long practice. Productive but, very extensive. He got in his truck and sighed. His stomach was yelling at him for nourishment. Anthony shot a quick text to Ariane and started on his way home.

He pulled into his garage and hopped out of his truck with his bag in hand. He walked in to smell food. It spark some hope into him that he would get a good home cooked meal.

Ariane was in the kitchen plating food and Anthony was elated. He had enough of take out for a while and was ready for some good home cooked food.

Anthony sat down and ate a few bites of the food. Needless to say, he wasn't too impressed. Her food lacked seasoning and was overcooked slightly.

"How is it?" Ariane asked.

Anthony didn't want to lie. However, he couldn't bring himself to hurt Ariane's feelings. "It's good."

Ariane smiled and continued to eat and chatter about her day. Anthony continued to eat while listening to his new beloved. He made the realization that he was just going to have to suck it up that Ariane wasn't a good cook.

Anthony was at Terry's house going to town on some fried chicken, pasta salad, broccoli and potatoes. After two weeks of Ariane's cooking, Anthony felt like he had been eating prison food.

"Can you slow down?" Terry said trying to eat his food but, was too distracted by Anthony shoving food into his mouth.

"That trick don't feed you?" Alexis said putting water on the table for Terry.

"I'm sorry. It's just I haven't had a good dinner in a while." Anthony said after swallowing a mouth full of food.

"Hmm." Alexis said rolling her eyes and heading to the kitchen.

"You could cook yourself." Terry said.

"I know but, it's just I miss..." Anthony started. "Nothing."

Anthony was going to say he missed real good food. Rayna's good food. Terry and Alexis knew it. Rayna's cooking had that home taste. You could smell the love in her food. Also, she was from the south so you know her food had soul in it. She made things for scratch. She didn't have to look up recipes from wannabe cooks on the internet. It didn't matter what it was, Rayna made it something to dive in to. All of her food was great. And Anthony wasn't going to taste it again.

"Well, I guess you can come over every now and again for a meal. Just don't over stay your welcome." Terry said.

"And don't bring that horse headed bitch either." Alexis said from the kitchen.

"Alexis." Terry groaned.

"But honestly, thank you for letting me come over." Anthony said.

"Don't mention it. You want to take a plate home?" Terry asked.

"If you don't mind." Anthony shrugged.

"You know where the containers are." Terry said.

As Anthony hurried into the kitchen, Alexis came out and gave Terry a look. He shook his head and continued eating.

Anthony woke up and smelled something heavenly. He hurried downstairs and saw a beautiful breakfast. Chocolate chip waffles, scrambled eggs with bell peppers and cheese, with chicken sausage links and fruit. This was a major improvement from frozen pancakes, Pop-Tarts and big bowls of cereal.

He walked to the table and sat down and immediately started eating. It was in heaven. Anthony swore he had never tasted anything so good. He was a little startled by a hand putting a Gatorade in front of him.

The hands rubbed his shoulders and a familiar pair of lips kissed his neck. "You're more hungry that usual, today."

Anthony dropped his fork and turned to see Rayna. She was glowing and looked like a complete angel. "Rayna?" he said. He was confused. This seemed so real.

"Did you hit your head or something? You don't seem okay." she said taking his fork and using it to feed him a bit of pancake.

Anthony took it into his mouth. He moaned at the taste.

"You like it?" Rayna said.

Anthony nodded.

"Too bad." she said in a deeper voice.

Anthony sat up and knew it was too good to be true. He sighed and got out of the bed to take a shower, with heavy disappointment.

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