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Death is something not many people can overcome. I couldn't endure the death of a person who was not only my best friend but the only person who knew the real me. As I starred at the grave I couldn't help but cry. We never knew that Walkers would break in while we were getting injected with the cure. And no one knew that they'd attack the ones that weren't cured. I've felt so guilty because I could of saved them all. For years I've felt guilty because I was getting my injection when they attacked. I could of saved them. But because I didn't the one I love most is gone and is never coming back. Zayn tends to remind me it isn't my fault. Liam and Louis tell me too along with Arissa and Brianna but it isn't the same. I looked to the sky and felt just so broken. I felt someone come from behind me and put their hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Harry.
"Come on love. We got to go. Novem is waiting for us with Chasity and Zayn." He said and I nodded. I placed the Lilies on Sarina's grave and kissed her grave stone.
"I love you sis. See you soon Hun." I said and grabbed Harry's hand. We walked back to the limo. Sarina's death has haunted me for years. But Zayn took it the hardest. It wasn't until he meet Chasity, the scientist who created the cure, until he moved on from her death. Harry has been supportive since her death. In the beginning it was hard but when I found out I was pregnant I knew I had to get better for our child. Soon we had Novem and I had to try and be okay. Everyone survived except for Sarina and Kendall. Every else survived. Gemma recovered quickly and went on to start dating Niall who broke things off with Kiara. As we entered the Limo Novem smiled at me.

"Mommy do you think we can all play war when we get home?" She asked and I smiled. Harry and I have taught Novem that in the cruel society we live in now you need to be strong. Not only physically but mentally. After people were cured the walkers began getting weak and dying off. People were finally free from terror and death. But because of the apocalypse many went insane. Thinking they were walkers and became cannibals. So we went from fighting the death to fighting the living. The Cannibalism fight went on for 6 years. Harry and I lead the Living army. While a man name Davidson Artic and his wife Anne Artic lead the cannibalism army. In the middle of the war I became pregnant with Novem and Harry made me leave base and go to the safe home where our families were. I was terrified that he'd die fighting. But he didn't. On February 1st 2024 Harry ambushed the cannibal base with our army. They slaughtered and killed every remanding solider they had. Anne and Davidson were surrounded and was taken into custody to remain the rest of their lives as vegetarians. Harry wanted them to suffer. Anyway Harry came home on Novems third birthday and we've all been inseparable since. It's been 5 years since that war and Novem is a strong and beautiful 8 year old girl. The only girl who can handle a gun and knife in her 2nd grade class. She's very intelligent and knows about everything. Or so she thinks she does.

"Honey." Harry said poking me and I turned to him.

"What?" I asked and he smiled.

"You zoned out when Nov asked you if we could all play war." He said and I laughed.

"My bad my love. Of course we can play. Right guys?" I said and everyone nodded.

"I asked Lou and he said that Brianna, Miracle, and him are in and the Tomlinson army is ready to destroy the Styles." Zayn said and Novem laughed.

"He always says that all the time and yet they always lose." Harry chuckled.

"That's because your my ninja princess," he kissed her head. 

"Anyway Liam said that Arissa, Jai, Maxine, are in so you guys have a problem. Max is just as good as Novem." Chasity said referring to Novems best friend and Arissa's daughter Maxine Payne. We trained them together and they're always going head to head.

"Well Novem always has it in the bag. Shes super fast and sneaky. Maxine is fast but not so sneaky." Harry said and I smiled. 

"Niall and Gemma are probably home with Lily so we will see when we get home if they want to." I said and everyone nodded. I looked around the limo and smiled.  My life couldn't get any better. I looked at Harry and kissed him. He smiled at me and placed his forehead on mine.

"What was that for?" He asked and I gave him a smile smile.

"Because loving you was worth the fight." I whispered and I couldn't be happier when my husband kissed my lips with his.

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