Chapter 36

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Yayas POV

"Oh my god Analeeze your so.....attractive now." She said with a sly grin and smiled.

"Yes I've been told by my fiancé many times." I said and she smiled.

"Oh that's why your buying wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. So tell me who's the fat maid since this ones extra.....large" She said and I smiled.

"Actually Brianna's pregnant so I'm making sure that she'll be good with the dresses." I said and she smiled.

"That's good I guess. Anyways where are you now. I mean I'm surprised your still alive and skinny. I thought you'd eat everything and the zombies would get ya." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm somewhere safe. What about you. Still with your man whores and slut crew?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No I'm here with Emilia. We've been here for a while hoping someone would take us in." She said and I scoffed her.

"Good luck with that." I said walking away and she grabbed my arm.

"Please I can't live here in terror. The guard isn't even that well. Those things get in once and a while and someone dies and I don't want that to be me. Please, if you have a heart then you would take us with you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care. You should of thought of how I felt all those times you pushed me around and all those times you made me feel worthless. Now the tables are turned and guess what. I don't give a single fuck if your killed because at the end of the day you'll be in hell for all the soulless crimes you've done against me. You can fry in hell for all I care." I said ripping her off me and she looked at me in shocked.

"Your a cold hearted bitch Analeeze."

She said and I smirked back at her.

"Look in the mirror and you'll see who I learned it from." I said and walked away from her and into another store for glass ware. I got two boxes with nice glass ware and I also found white and black decorations and a make up and hair kit. That part was easy but now I have to get Harry and the groomsmen suits. I knew there sizes just needed to find the store. Soon I found a tux place and got there suits and shoes. Then I left to get the girls shoes.

After an hour if getting the rest of the things I was done. There was some things I had to hide and I have to go back for. When I got to the room the crew and I rented I saw Harry and angel sitting in the room. I was still pissed at Harry so I looked away and turned to angel.

"Can you bring this into the van?" I asked and he nodded and started to push the dolly to the van which was right by the door. Were smart I know.

"Be careful please. Oh and put the two boxes of glass ware by my seat.." I said and he nodded. Then I turned to face Harry.

"I'm sorry." He said and I looked away.

"I don't get why you had to make a big fuss about it Harry. It wasn't a big deal I just thought we waited till December. But you want it in April it will be in April. Were getting married really soon babe." I said and he smiled.

"I know I saw the message. I can't wait until your Mrs.Styles." He said and I chuckled.

"Don't worry I'll be a good little wife." I said pecking his lips and he chuckled.

"Yeah I don't think id like that." He said.

"I like the feisty fiancé I have now." He chuckled and I laughed.

"Don't worry as Mrs.Styles I might be worst." I said and he laughed. Then angel came back in with the dolly.

"Come on we can get the heavy stuff and your coming to angel." I said and they both nodded and we got the cute heavy stuff. After shopping we left the mall and headed home so I can plan the rest of the wedding which was in a four days.

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