Chapter 35

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Yayas POV

Today has been completely stressfull. I don't understand it. It took us a while to even get to the hospital. Then we lost three soldiers back at the prison for leaving the fucking gates like how dose that make sense. And Harry and i got into a huge disagreement on the date of the wedding so basically i have to deal with his cranky tone. The absolute worst part I know for a fact Arissa and Maria dont like each other and is obviously going to start something i have to finish. Oh and did i mention that i have to get my wedding dress, shoes, make up, decorations, glass ware, Harrys Tux, the boys tux, brides maid dresses, flowers for the flower girl, dress for the fucking flower girl, Harrys ring, and most importantly the tradition of the something old, blue, new, and borrowed. Yea this is so stressfu. I kill walkers i don't plan weddings. Mine in particular but if i put Sarina, Brianna, Jailyn, or Arissa in charge it won't be my wedding anymore. So I'm stuck with it all. Oh yeah and did i also mention Gemma is still in her coma. This is all just fucking great. Yeah NOT!

''Yaya...'' someone said and i opended my eyes. Yeah i was sleeping trying to keep my mind off everything. But that didnt work.

''What?'' i asked and turned to face Harry.

''Were here........'' he said and i nodded grabbing my gun from the seat next to me and placed my sun glasses on my face. We were at the mall. Its the same one we went to last time but this time they have way better security. I mean I'm here and well I'm an awesome walker killer so yea. When i exited the car i speed walked inside the wall. I really didn't want to talk to anyone so I text them all what to do.


Ok so get lost of food, drinks, and cloths. Remember if your not a groomsman or bridesmaid then you must get a dress. Today is April 18 and the wedding is April 22. Just get what the prison needs. Thanks

After i sent that i grabbed a dolly with a coat hanger and headed to find my dress. I walked around for a while searching for my rather large dress. Soon i found a store that had wedding dresses so i entered the store. I saw a petite woman who looked rather familiar standing at the desk. I walked passed her and i walked to the dresses. I ran my hands through the dresses. Letting the cloth run through my fingers. I never loved dress shopping. I really do mean it but its something about shopping for my wedding dress that makes me love it for some reason. Finally i layed my eyes on a beautiful dress. The dress was white and stunning. It had a floral design that was also white but it went all over the dress even to the train. It was beautiful. I checked the sizes and i looked through seven of then to get my size. I hung it on the dolly and looked for bridesmaids dresses. I soon found white dresses with floral design. It was knee lenghth. i grabbed five of them. One for Arissa, Sarina, Brianna, and my sister. I had gotten a large for Brianna since she has her big ass stomatch. But to be safe i got her a smaller one because you never know. After i hung the dresses next to my dress and looked for the flower girls dress who is Jai and I found a cute white dress with black hearts on it. Then I hung it on the dolly. Then I started to head out the door.

''Analeeze is that you?''someone called behind me and i turned to see the person who ruined my entire high school years.

''Leslie...''I whispered and she smiled that evilish grin I havent seen in years.

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