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Yayas POV

When I woke up the next morning I felt two strong arms around my waste. Harry. I turned to face him and I saw his beautiful face. His bone structure so perfect. His lips so soft. His crazy curls all over the place. He looked amazing. He's amazing. I felt lips on mine and I smiled.

"Good morning love." He said in the kiss. I pulled back and smiled.

"Morning curly sue." I said and he smiled. Then he got on top of me and started tickling me.

"Harry n-no st-stop pl-easeeee." I said I between laughs.

"Nope lemme get a kiss then maybe." He said and I kissed him. Soon that kiss went to a make out. Our soft lips moving in sync. His hands exploring my body. Me laughing and him laughing. It all ended when someone was banging on our door.

"Go get it. I'm sleeping." I said and he nodded. Then I heard the door open.

"Hi is Yaya here?" said the male voice. That voice I know's Josh.

"Um yes she's asleep." Harry said.

"Ok and who are you may I ask?" Josh asked.

"I'm Harry her boyfriend." He said.

"Are you important to her like shell do anything for you. Dose she say she loves you?" Josh said and I heard Harry chuckle. That's cute chuckle I've learned to love.

"I hope so we say it everyday how we wouldn't know what we would do without each other." Harry said and I could feel Josh's devilish smirk. Then I heard more people come in and then I heard something fall. I shot up and grabbed my gun. When I got to the door I saw a note. I grabbed it and read what it said.

If you want your boy toy back you'll come to the city and work for us. Come as soon as you get this or you'll see the walker form of him. You think we'll let a precious thing like you go then your mistaken. You have until Saturday. See you then Yaya......

Love the City Leader Mark Lystil & Assistant Leader Josh Hutcherson

I felt my body knees go weak. My heart in my stomach. He's have him. I would never work for the City. Never commit treason to my own family. But right now they want war and that's what they're gonna get. They can beat me. They can kidnap me and do anything they want but when you take my boyfriend and you do this shit. Then that's it you've called the demon inside. Now every solider in the City is a walker to me. Josh and that Mark leader what ever well they're walkers too. They've called on war and that's what's they're gonna get. I grabbed my sandals and walked to my fathers office. When I got there I barged in.

"Yaya he's in a me-" I cut Jane off.

"I don't care." I said and I opened his doors.

"Yaya I'm in a meeting." He said pointing to my grandfather and a few other soldiers.

"I don't give a shit. The fucking City has my boyfriend and I'm here to say give me the best soldiers because I'm going over there to kick there asses and get him back." I said and he stood up.

"We need them Yaya." My father said.

"BULLSHIT!" I started.

"IM GOING IN ALONE I GUESS!" I yelled and I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned to face Angel.

"I'll go with you." He said and then 10 other soldiers stood up.

"Us too." They said and I nodded.

"Ok go get ready we leave in 10 minuets." I said and they nodded.

Then I went to Sarinas room. I barged in.

"Yaya what the hell." She said and I just looked at her.

"The city they have Harry. I need you to fight with me and 10 other men." I said and she nodded.

"Of corse. But I can at lease get you 70 more men. We do have thousands of men." She said and I nodded. I went back to my room and went through Harry's stuff for a knife and found a necklace. It was a heart locket that had our picture. I started to tear.

"Don't worry babe I'll get you back."

I said and went to the secret door and grabbed grenades, guns, knifes, cloths, smoke bombs, and explosives. I put my camouflage pants on a black tank top and my army boots. I put three strips on each of my cheeks and a black bandana. I pressed the soldier alert button and walked to the gym. Over 100 soldiers were ready to fight the City.

"Soldiers this will be very difficult. But this is war. We will return Hardy Styles ALIVE! Kill anyone who gets in your way. They taught children to kill. NO MERCEY! DO YOU COMPREHEND!" I yelled and they all gave a salute and yelled.


"ALRIGHT TO THE CITY!" I yelled and they started heading out. They're gonna regret doing this.

Harry's POV

I opened my eyes to see I was tied to a chair. Where am I. Then a door opened. A man wearing a black cloak walked through. He was smiling.

"Hello Harry. My name is Mark Lystil. Welcome to the City." He said.

"How did I get here. Let me go my girlfriend is worried." I said and he chuckled.

"Your here because we want your girlfriend. She's very skilled. She deserves to be here. Not at that crapy prison. We need her. So your our bait." He said and I looked down.

"She'll never come to you." I said and he laughed.

"Well see." He said and punched me.

"Josh why don't you come here." He said and I looked up to see the Josh guy.

"Well hello." He said and punched me over and over again.

"You better hope she comes." He said and punched me again. Then everything went black

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