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Yayas POV

Happiness that's how it's been for a while. Everything is in it's correct place. Perrie and El have been hanging with us more and guess what they found someone knew. YAY!!! Perries fairing Angel and Eleanor's dating Jonathan. That's so cute in my opinion. Also I've been training everyone and it's coming it out pretty well. Harry's an amazing shooter and my father wants him on the guard but I won't allow that. I won't be able to see him or anything. The guards a hard job too. Anyways right now I'm in the meadow alone. Instead of gate walls we now have concrete walls and it's basically gives us more space. Then I heard a door open and saw the bitch herself walk through the doors. With Kiara and.......Maria? Hmmm that's weird.

"Hey Maria the two bitches of the west." I said and Maria waved but Kiara gave her a look that made her look at her feet. I don't understand why Maria puts up with her she's a self entered bitch at times. What ever she wants to hang with her I'm not gonna stop her.

"Oh shut it Yaya no one needs your stupidity. I'm here to give you a warning." She said and I gave her a confusing look. What the fuck is this crazy bitch talking about.

"And that would be..." I said signaling to continue to speak.

"You better back off Harry or you'll end up like your brother." She said with a smirk. My brother, my best friend, my happiness. How could she.....who wou......Kiara. I felt tears poor down my face. My older brother Alain was a great fighter. Better than me but during a mission he vanished. I cried for months. I felt dead until they dragged me on a mission. I stayed silent.

"Awww the poor baby can't say anything because she knows her pathetic brother won't come back or better yet he's I don't know ummm.........Dead!" Kendall said and I cried even more. I can't take this anymore. I need my brother. Then I feel a punch against my face. Then another and another and soon I'm being beat the shit out of by Kendall and Kiara. While Maria stand there. Why won't she help me?Why won't she do something after all I've done for her. The the door bursts open and Harry comes running towards me.

"Kendall get the fuck off her this instant." He said and she laughed.

Then lunged herself at him and smashed her lips on his. That's when I broke. I shoved Kiara off of me and sprinted to the one place I can scream my head off. I ran to the storage room and closed the door and screamed and grabbed everything in my reach and destroyed it. Then I cried and cried. Since the virus I've always been the tough girl. Now I feel like a weakling with pain all inside her. Then I saw a piece if glass on the floor. I use to cut when I was I'm high school, middle school and my first year during the virus. I've been clean for a year and I wanted to cut so bad. Make myself feel the pain even worst then I feel it now. I grabbed it and starred at it. Debated for what seemed like forever. Then the sadness took over me. I felt like my high school self again. The fat nerd with the glasses everyone hated. The one who no one wanted to date and felt the only thing she could relay on was the blade. Then I snapped out of my depression mode and back into my normal one. I looked down at the new cuts the formed on my shoulder. They were deep and could get infected. I should go and clean it up at my room. I got up and picked up a large piece of glass and starred at my reflection. My eyes were puffy and red and so was my nose. My cheeks had tear stains on both sides and my hair was a mess. Then I threw the glass against the wall and yelled and grabbed a handful of hair I'm my hands screaming like a mad woman. I felt my phone vibrate for the millionth time and finally checked. It was Harry calling and texting me.......

From: Harry💋💘

Babe answer please your scaring me please I didn't kiss her you saw she kissed me and when you ran I pushed her away please call me back....

Then I checked the other texts from the others

From: Baby Mama Brianna😱👶


From: Daddy Tommo 👶😁

Please answer Harry's a nervous wreck let is know where you are please Yaya

From: Hair freak Zayn🙊😁

Yaya please please please answer Harry's crying and freaking out like us all please.

From: Blond child Sarina👸💘💋


After I read all these I groaned in pain and saw that the cuts I gave myself are way to deep I must if used a really sharp glass piece. I tried to get up but failed in the process. I need help but I can't text the guys because they'll flip and Harry will be a wreck. So I text Sarina and Brianna they're more of a help.

To: Baby Mama Brianna😱👶 &

Blond Child Sarina👸💘💋

Come to the storage room bring me a new shirt and a first aid kit fast. Please I'll explain. Don't tell anyone tho

I was in so much pain. I'm so stupid for letting my depression take over my actions. I started to feel dizzy but I'm not giving up I'm starting up. I rip my shirt and tie it around my upper arm. This hurts like a bitch. Then I see Brianna and Sarina banging on the door and I try to get up and brake it but I fail. I was too far then Sarina tells Brianna something's and she nodded. Sarina grabs something and brakes the door and gets inside and runs to me.

"WHAT THE FUCK YAYA YOU TRASH THE PLACE AND THEN CUT YOURSELF!! WHY?!?!" Sarina yelled at me holding my head in her arms.

"I'll explain but help me please." I said and Brianna look sick.

"I'm going to stand guard I can't look at this I'm going to be sick." She said standing up walking towards the door and standing there.

"Alright Yaya I'll fix you up ok." Sarina said and I nodded. She put alcohol on my cuts and cleaned them. Then she took a needle and put alcohol on that. After that's she put the hospital thread in it and grabbed my arm and began stitching. It hurt but I took it in like a man or woman. When she was done she cleared the blood off and helped me to the clinch to get some more blood. They said I looked as pale as Edward Cullen the only thing is I don't sparkle. When we got there they gave me a check up and blood and we left to my room where Harry was sleeping on my bed.

"He's been a wreck." Sarina says and I nodded. I went to the bathroom and took my cloths off and put my pajamas on. Then went into bed with Harry. I'm not mad with him so don't think that's. She kissed him and I saw that I was hurt because she did that and I love him and her bring up my brother out me in the worst state ever. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. I laid my head on Harry's chest and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Loving you is worth the fightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang