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Yayas POV

'THAT FUCKING WHORE BETTER STAY AWAY FROM HARRY OR ILL FUCKING FEED HER TO THE WALKERS!!' I thought to myself as the bitch moved into the cell next to mine. I was getting ready to go to the gym too pull off the steam. I was so furious and I wanted to just punch someone. Might as well take it out on a fucking punching bag. When I got out my cell I heard Kendall talking to I think Perrie or Eleanor. One of those bitches who wants to steal my best friends "guys" as they would put it since most of then are either dating or talking.

"I'm going to get Harry back. That Yaya girl isn't strong I bet I can fuck her up in two seconds. Anyways I have a plan if I win the dance queen then Harry will be king and we'll dance and he'll fall right back in love with muah." She said and I felt the anger rush to my face. So bad I wanted to go in there and beat her to a pulp. But I calmed myself. I breathed and speed walked to the gym. When I got there I plugged in my music and went to the punching bag. Pretending it was Kendall. I said stuff to it to help cool off. Stuff like:

Whore, Slut, home wrecker, bully,stupid, idiotic, annoying ect

But soon I started saying things to myself. Things like:

Worthless, fat, ugly, dumb, stupid, unneeded, unwanted ect. I was so use to doing that. It happens. People think I'm strong. I show no emotion so when I feel down I go to the meadow. But I kept punching the bag. Harder now because of the thought if Kendall and Harry being dance king and queen. Soon the bag snapped and broke. I threw the bag off the hang and got a spare one. Then placed it back on the hang and started punching again. Soon I stopped and had a thought.

'If Kendall wants to be dance queen then she'll obviously win it. Then Harry won't love me anymore.' I thought. I wasn't going for dance queen because I don't like those things. But now I know to keep that white trash away from my boyfriend. I have to be dance queen. When I went back to my room I saw Kendall admiring my dress.

"Can I help you." I said clenching my fist so I don't damage her face.

"Oh yea you can. I love this dress and well I'm taking it ok." She said and I chuckled. Back in middle school I would of said ok but now I'm not giving in.

"Ha your funny now get out my room and leave MY dress on the rack." I said and she laughed.

"Oh honey your not going to do anything so let me and MY dress go through. I have dance queen to win. And you wouldn't fit this. Your too fat." She said with a smirk.

Ouch that hurt. Then my anger over took me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I BRAKE EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY!" And she flinched. She then threw the dress on my bed and left my cell. I have to lock my cell now. This is awesome. When I closed my door and went to my secret locker that's behind my painting of a sight that says

"FUCK A FAKE BITCH! LIVE WITH THE REAL BITCHES!"I placed the combination and say a note. Only Sarina and the girls knew the combination. I opened the note and smiled. It read,

Dear Darling,

Meet me at the meadow at 6 sharp. I've missed you and want to ask you something. Wear something nice please I'll be waiting. Love you princess.

Yours Truly Harry

I looked at the clock. It was only 5. I had an hour to get ready. So I had a rampage through my cloths to look for something nice. Thank god I kept some cute cloths from the mall before the zombies came in. I found a strapless floral dress. It had a small brown belt. The top had nothing but a baby blue. The bottom was baby blue with all types of flowers on it. I then places my flats on and put a cardigan on. After I had everything I ran to the showers and showered. I washed my hair and noticed it was longer. I guess I'll cut it tomorrow. I exit the shower and dry myself. I dry my hair too. I place my outfit on my body. Then I put my hair up in a bun. Being how I am I places my gun under my dress with a knife with it. You can't be too careful. I looked at the time. It was 5:50pm. Enough time to walk to the meadow. I grabbed my phone and text Harry.

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