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Brianna's POV

Three weeks have passed by. Three entire weeks. They have been the worst weeks of my life. I've been throwing up like a maniac. I have a lot of mood swings and I always want raw onions like ewwww I hate onions. But I just want them. Hmm......I really don't know what's wrong with me. Anyways these three weeks the prison has really changed for the better. They're more than one Palama Sweet. They're's like 20. The people who go on the missions and shit get some if the sweets as they're rooms but they're more like apartments. Or as Louis calls them "flats." Me and Louis decided to share one. So is Harry and Yaya, Sarina and Zayn. I can careless about Maria and Kiara. I still don't trust Maria even though Yaya does. Sarina sides with me so that's good. Were still cool with Niall though. I have no idea what he sees in Kiara. She's gone from amazingly amazing to wicked bitch of the west. Hahaha I crack myself up. Anywho today Yaya and Sarina are coming over for a sleep over. Louis is going to Harry's and Yaya's place with Zayn I believe. The girls know about my puking, craves, and mood swings so they said they for stuff to help me out. And sown thing that'll help clear it up. Hmm wonder what they mean. Maybe it's pills.

'I want an onion' I thought to myself. I'm so weird. Just then someone was knocking on the door.

"Who's there." I yelled.

"Bitch open the door is Sarina and Yaya." I heard Sarina say and ran to the door to greet my two best friends.

"HAY BITCHES HOW IS YOU TWO?!" I yelled and they both said.

"WE IS GOOD HOW BOUT YOU?!"they yelled back.

"I IS FINE!!" I yelled and we hugged each other and they walked into the flat. YES I SAID IT LIKE LOU WHOOP WHOOP.

"Ok Brianna we have your solution to your problema." Yaya said and I nodded.

"GIMME GIMME GIMME!" I yelled and they handed me three pregnancy tests. Oh shit why didn't I think of that.

"Go pee on the stickies things now bro!" Sarina said and I ran to the bathroom. When I was done I waited for all the sticks to say the magic answer to my major question that Yaya made me think of. So I just gave it to then so they could answer it for me.

I left the bathroom and gave them the sticks.

"Well am I prego or nah?!" I said and they jumped up and down.

"WERE GONNA BE AUNTIES WERE GONNA BE AUNTIES AND YOUR GONNA BE A MOMMY. LOUS GONNA BE A DADDY!" They yelled and I started crying. Both tears of joy and sad tears. This kid is going to he brought into a world with things that can kill him or her. That's scary.

"Don't cry baby girl be happy. This happiness right now." Sarina said and I smiled.

"Ok thank god Louis said he wants kids ready but how do I tell him?" I asked and Yaya smiled.

"Ummmm........put a baby bottle in the fridge and ask him to get something out then when he sees it he knows. And put the pregnancy test in it too." She said and I smirked and nodded.

"I'm going to he a mommy." I said smiling.

"Hi baby can you hear me. I'm your and your daddy are gonna love you so much and so are your uncles and aunties." I say in a baby voice while Yaya records.

"WE SHOULF START THINKING OF NAMES!!" Sarina yelled and I nodded. This is gonna be fun.

Sarinas POV

"Ok let's start with girl names." I say and we all nod in agreement.







"Miracle" I say and Brianna's head shoots up.

"That's the one." She said and I smiled.

"Ok so what would her full name be?" I asked and Yaya thought for a second.

"I got it. How about Miracle May Tomlinson." Yaya suggested and Brianna jumped up.

"YES BRO THATS THE ONE." Then we wrote it down so we wouldn't forget.

"Ok it's boy names." I say and we all nod.






"Louis Jr"



"Izayah" Yaya says and Brianna nodded.

"THAT ONE!" She yelled. And I laughed.

"Ok so the full name will be ummmm.......Izayah Jeremy Tomlinson." I said and she nodded and wrote it down.

"Baby names done bitches." Brianna said and we laughed.

"Prego bitch what you craving?!" I asked and.

"ONIONS AND NUTELLA!" She yelled and I laughed and went to check for onions and Nutella. Damn she had a lot if it. So I grabbed two onions and three jars of Nutella and lots of soda, ice cream, chips, crackers, and a box of tissues because were watching The notebook and the boy in stripped pajamas. When I came back I dropped it all on the bed placed the movie in and started it. Tonight is going to be a girly night.

Yayas POV

"Can you stop stealing from my Nutella jar Sarina. I swear Imma slap you." I say and sarina laughs. We've been watching movies, eating, doing our hair, our nails, and just bonding. I'm having lots of fun with the blond sister and my prego Bestfriend.

"Alright yaya spill it." Sarina said and I laughed.

"Spill what?!" I said and Brianna and her smirked.

"What happened in dad's office?!" Sarina said and I laughed.

"We joked around a little dad said he likes Harry and me. We talked about the prisons safety and dad told Harry to call him Doof." The minuet I said that Sarina jumped and screamed.


"Settle down bro. It's awesome our boyfriends and family members get along." I said and Brianna looked away.

"Brinna.....well find them. They still text you it means they're alive." I said and she smiled.

"Yeah I just miss them." She said and I smiled.

"I miss them too. Remember me, your mom, sarina, you and your sister were close." I said and she nodded.

"Can we stop talking about them. Anyways I still have a family. I have Louis, Harry,Zayn, Liam, Niall, Massa, Wendy, jay, Eileen, Joe, and you two. I'm good with family." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah you are." I said and we all laughed.

"The only thing we gotta worry about is Kendall and her army of exs." Sarina said and I nodded.

"I'll kick that bitches ass again if I have too. This time I'll make sure she'll have to go to the clinic." I said and they laughed.

"Please do bro." Sarina and Brianna said together and I laughed. For the rest if the night we talked and bonded. I miss this before the apocalypse. But we gotta deal with what we got. I'm happy I still have them. The

two girls who I can trust with my life.


Ohh killem Brianna's pregnant. Comment what you want either the boy Izayah Jeremy Tomlinson


The girl Miracle May Tomlinson

Love you guys xoxoxo💋✌️

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