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Jailyns POV

I've been training with Yaya for a while and today's the day I go on my first mission with her. Yeah in eight but they say I'm smarter then most eight year olds. I guess it's because I have this tingling feeling if I feel in danger. Anyways were going to go on a mission with Yaya, Arissa, Yayas sister Jay, Maria, Liam, Harry, Sarina, Zayn, Alain, Kiara, Niall, Kendall, Angel, Jonathan and myself. We have to get more food and cloths. Yaya said it'll only take about us until about ten at night. From now to then that's about fourteen hours.

"Come on Jailyn it's time to go." My sister said and I nodded. When we got down stairs Kendall was giving Yaya a death glair. I guess they really do hate each other. Then Yaya and Harry came down stairs hand and hand with their guns and smiling. They are so cute and now that there engaged it makes me happy. My parents were like that before the stupid City leader killed them for trying to help us run away. We were stuck in prison for two years. I owe Yaya my life for saving my sister and I. That's mainly one of the reasons I killed his second hand man Josh before he could do any harm.

"Alright everyone today's mission won't be major but I was just notified we may have to go to a hospital for some supplies since the Clinic doesn't have much. So let's move out into the Van. And angel you and Jonathan can get the truck so we can put stuff in it." Yaya said and we all got up and headed to the van.

~twenty minuets later~

"Alright everyone let me assign whos doing what. Ok so Harry, Sarina, Zayn, and I will go to the third floor and look for some medical supplies. Kendall, Alain, Kiara, and Niall take the second floor and do the same. Arissa, Liam, Maria, and Jailyn take the first floor. Angel and Jonathan you two guard the truck and wait for us to come. Jay stay with them you have a great aim and that will be good here." She said and we all nodded.

"Alright go and make sure your lock and loaded just in case." With that we left. Liam and Maria were arguing on which way to go first but Arissa rolled her eyes and went left. I followed her.

" you like Liam?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me and smiled.

"Jai do you like Justin?" She said and I blushed. Justin was this kid in the prison. We became really close but I do really like him.

"Actually yes and I'm not afraid to admit it." I said and she chucked.

"Well then yea I do like Liam but...he's dating Maria. I have no chance." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"She's horrible for him anyways. I caught her flirting with Angel the other day it's obvious she's trying to be popular by dating him. When in reality Yaya has popularity beaten by a long shot." I said and Arissa smiled.

"Tru-" she stopped when we heard something fall. We looked at each other and walked slowly to where the noise was. I kept my finger by the trigger. Then I heard a scream. It was Maria's scream. We ran to where it came from and she was cornered by a giant fat walker that she kept kicking back. I had an idea I grabbed my knife and jumped on a table and stabbed it in the head. Blood oozing from the place I stabbed but the walker was dead or deader.

"Thanks little boy." She said with a smirk and I got pissed. My hair is really short because walkers can pull hair to get you and she knew I was a girl so my blood was boiling at this moment.

"Actually I'm a girl you fucking bitch I should of let it kill you. I said and Arissa grabbed me.

"Stop...we can't talk like that Jai." Arissa said and then she turned to Maria.

"Where's Liam?" She asked sternly and Maria chuckled.

"You mean MY boyfriend. Oh he went into a room to look for something since he's mad at me." She said and Arissa rolled her eyes. Let's say Arissa and Maria don't see eye to eye.

"I'm gonna go look for him. Jailyn keep Maria here out if trouble." Arissa said and I nodded.

"Ey ey captain." I said like the kids in spongebob. I miss that show. Yeah in the prison we watch old shows but we have to wait until our turn is called to chose. I haven't seen spongebob since the virus began. I remember that day completely.


"Jailyn and Arissa can you two please clean your room. I let you stay home it's fair." Our mom said as we watched t.v.

"Alright mommy." I said. I'm only 6 but I still do my chores so mommy and daddy don't get mad. Arissa's 14 she's gonna be 15 in three days and were gonna have a big giant party. It's Friday today. It was a sunny day and school would be over in a week. Mommy and daddy are taking Arissa and I to America to see the sights. I hope it's different from these London days here.

"Jai can you pick up your dolls from my side if the bed." Arissa said and I nodded. As I picked them up the t.v went from Dora the explorer to the news.

"A virus has surfaced the earth. Human corpse are now walking among us. Everyone lock your doors and keep a weapon by you. If your not home then go there! Quick AHHHH-" then a dead thing came and bit the news reporter. Then I heard my mother scream and we ran down stairs to see her cornered by one if those things.

"Think Arissa think...I GOT IT!" My sister said and she grabbed a knife from the kitchen as my mother kept kicking the thing my sister stabbed it in the head. Blood spattered everywhere. Next thing I knew my sister let go of the knife and had a blank expression on her face. She killed it. She saved mother.

"Hurry let's call your father and get out of here!" Mom said and we ran to our room and called dad. He didn't pick up. Then the front door opened and dad came in and told us to grab cloths and a few toys. We did as we were told and went into the mini van. While we drove I saw people being bit like the news reporter. And more of those things. It's scary....

~End of Flashback~

We found the city a few days after that and then a year later the leader killed my parents.

"Jailyn you ok?" Maria asked while we walked and I snapped out my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine." I started.

"Let's just get the stuff." I said and we went into different rooms and got what we needed. I grabbed my walkie talkie and contacted my sister.

"Arissa come in Arissa." I said.

"Yes Jai." She said and I smiled.

"We got the stuff want us to go to the van while you and Liam get the rest?" I asked and I heard a chuckle. Not any chuckle, but Liam's chuckle.

"Yes we'll be down in a few." She said and I nodded.

"Come on let's go Maria your boy toy will be down with my lovely sister in a few." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't trust my boy toy with your 'lovely sister'." She said with quotations. When we got outside angel and Jonathan opened the truck and we put the machines and boxes in the truck and I lied down and thought of the times were bone if this crazy stuff was going on......

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