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Yayas POV

"Oh my fucking god Yaya wear this one. You'll look sexy." Brianna said holding a short black dress. I shook my head.

"Nononono never in a million fucking years." I said and they laughed.

"Look guys thanks for your help but I'll look for my own dress alright. You guys have different tastes then I do." I said and they nodded.

"Alright Yaya but don't make yourself look like a church girl. And what time are we leaving here tomorrow?" Maria asked. I checked my phone.

"It's about 7:48pm and we've been here since about 1:30 so well leave around 6:30 in the morning alright." I said and we all walked away. I haven't been dress shopping since Junior year. I didn't know what to get. Or what would I like to wear at all. It's only been about 10 minuets but it felt like hours I've been searching for a dress. Then I saw it. The perfect dress for me. It was a strapless black dress with white stripes on the top that looked like claw marks. The bottom was a little ruffled but it looked amazing. I grabbed the dress and checked the sizes. Perfect it fit. Now I have to find fucking shoes. This shouldn't be as hard just find black pumps. So I went to the shoe department. And picked the most beautiful pair of pumps. They were completely black but looked amazing. I grabbed them and went to look for jewelry. I grabbed diamond earrings that two years ago would of cost a fortune. But this was all free now. I got a necklace that caught my eye. It was just lying on the floor and it looked beautiful. I picked it up. It was a heart that said:

"Fighting for your heart is worth the pain during the battle."

On the back. I looked around to see if anyone owned it. The heart had diamonds all on the front of the heart. I held it in my hands. I walked on knowing my outfit was complete. Then I bumped into someone. All my things went down.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." He said and I looked up to see Harry.

"It's alright Harry I just need to bring this stuff to the girls. Did you and the boys get everything needed?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'll help you bring this stuff back it's no worries." He said and I thanked him. As we walked we talked. I told him what I wanted to do with my life before the virus was announced and he told me about London and his life. Even though it was a short talk it was very pleasing. Then we meet up with everyone. We placed all the things in the carts and put them somewhere near were we would sleep.

"Alright guys well leave tomorrow morn.." Then I was cut off with a large bang and a lot of screams. I looked around the room we were in and knew my entire crew was here so I wanted to know what was going on. I opened the door and saw people shooting and running from......WALKERS. Oh shit oh shit this isn't good.

"Alright guys new plan were leaving NOW. Walkers got into the building and as myself I made a plan while we were on our way here just incase." I said and they all nodded. The room we were in had two doors. One that lead to the outside and the other that lead into the mall. I locked the door where it lead into the mall and checked the supplies first. We had enough food to last about 18 months and enough cloths here and at the prison. The baby things and the toys were enough for a long while. We had a lot more of this at the prison too. The dresses,tuxes,shoes,decorations were enough too. The medical supplied we had at the prison and the ones we got at the hospital were enough and we got machines to help too.

"Alright that door there leads to the outside Jonathan,Angel,Daniel,and Zayn go get the cars. We parked them right in front of this door. But first check if there are any walkers ok." They nodded and opened the door a little. They nodded which meander the coast was clear and they got the cars.

"Ok the rest of you when they come back put the stuff in the vans. There in carts so just push the cart in the van. Since there are about nine of is and 10 carts I'll have two ok. When you get in the van stay in don't get out at all got me." I said and they nodded. Zayn opened the door and told us the coast was clear. Then we began to fill the vans up. I brought my two carts in. Then I counted how many people we had. Everyone was here so we began to head home. Thank god we made it out alive. Let's hope I didn't miscounted. I did once and we lost someone valuable. And worst of it all. He was the love of my life.

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