Chapter 41

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Yayas POV

"Darcy come here!" I screamed and my little girl ran down the stairs. Her curls moving as she ran.

"Yes momma?" She said and I smiled.

"Your daddy's coming home today. Then tomorrow were going to Disney World with your uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandgran and pop-pops!" I told her and her eyes lit up.

"Really momma?!" She yelled and I smiled and nodded. She hugged me and ran back to her room. Then I felt arms snake around my waste.

"Hello Mrs. Styles." Harry said.

"Hello Mr. Styles." I said back and turned to peck his lips.

"Isn't it great?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"I mean it's normal here. No walkers trying to kill us...were happy and we have the most beautifulest daughter in the world." He said holding me and I smiled and nodded.

"It's great she doesn't have to live through hell. She's happy and that's all that matters Harry." I said and we both smiled and kissed.

"DADDY!" Darcy yelled and ran to Harry who picked her up and spines her around. I smiled and laughed at them. They looked so alike and it was just beautiful to see them together. My life couldn't be so com-

"Yaya wake up." I heard someone say and I opened my eyes. Sarina and the girls stood in front of me with smiles.

"Come on Yaya your getting married today. Smile big be happy it's gonna be the best day of your life." Arissa said and I smiled. I sat up and stretched my arms. I stood up but was pushed into the bathroom.

"Your undies and stuff are in there. When you get out go to Sarina and Gemma. They'll do your hair. Then to Arissa she'll do makeup. Then to me who will help you get dressed. Oh don't shave I got that covered. It's 7:57am we gotta start now the weddings at 1." Brianna said and I nodded and took my shower. I took like a half and hour since I was washing everything. When I finished my shower and putting my underwear, bra, and Harry's t-shirt I came out and sat down in the chair Sarina and Gemma was by.

"Alright Gems let's get her hair to look like royalty." Sarina said and they began

~one hour later~

"Hold still so I can put the tiara on you!" Sarina yelled at me and I stopped moving since she kept jabbing my eye with the damn brush. After an hour of torment by the two of them I looked in the mirror and smiled. I've never seen my hair so amazing. At least not since before the virus since at the dance I did something so simple.

"Alright off with you..go to arissa she'll do your makeup." Gemma said and pushed me off to Arissa and her and Sarina started getting ready.

"Aww you look great. Make up time." She said with her make up and hair done. Then she began taking out her giant make up bag.

~20 minuets later~

"All done now go get dressed!" She screamed and I ran to Brianna who had her hair and make up done and only needed to get dressed.

"Ok lay down we gotta wax your legs and arm pits!" She said and I shook my head.

"No, no, no! A million times No! That shit hurts!" I yelled and Brianna rolled her eyes.

"Girls hold her down!" She said and they all held my wrists and ankles down. Then Brianna put the paper on my leg.

"Ok 1-2-3!" She said and ripped it off.

"AHHH!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Shut up Yaya! Come on let's do the next leg." She said and I started squirming. She put the wax paper on my leg.

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