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Oh god it's finally time!!!! They're getting married like YASSSSS!!!!! Lml play Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol to have mood music and yeah enjoy and js I cried writing this.


No ones POV

Yaya walked down the stairs. Looking like a princess. Her hair bounced as she walked down the stairs and her smile was big. She felt like Cinderella. The shoes, dress, and the beauty she felt made her feel like that. Destiny and Angel smiled at her. Knowing she was happy and everyone likes a happy Yaya. When she got to the door of the meadow she was greeted by Massa.

"Come on." He said.

"It's time..." She smiled big and kissed destiny and angel goodbye as she connected her father and her own hands together. Then the doors open and she felt her butterflies break loose. The flower girl who was Jai and ring man who was Niall came first. Then Sarina and Zayn. After them Arissa and Liam. Then Louis and Brianna. Then Yaya and Massa walked.

"I can't believe it." He started and she looked at him.

"What?" She asked and he chuckled.

"You aren't my little girl anymore. You're an independent, strong, and beautiful grown woman and I'm I happy to call you my daughter. He said and a tear she smiled and a tear rolled down. She looked back to the front of her and saw Harry. His smile big and bright. His eyes shinning in the sunlight. His curly haired mess pushed to the side. Yaya smiled at him as he did the same. The walk was almost over. These last few steps she takes are the last steps of the depression, the agony, and the horror she's faced. These last few steps are the last steps of her pain and the fewer the steps the bigger the smile she has. Finally her last step came and she looked up. Her eyes shining. She was glowing in every way. She turned to her father and he lifted the vail.

"You'll always be my little girl. Apocalypse or not. Married or not. You'll always be the little girl i raised and the little girl who's grown into this amazing woman here today. He said and she smiled with tears coming down her face. Her smile was wide.

"I love you daddy." She said. His smile was big. She said the words he had almost thought she forgotten. It was always dad, sir, or Sargent. He kissed her head and say next to her hysterical mother. Yaya smiled and turned to Harry. They looked at each other. Not saying a word. Just admiring each other's presence.

"You look beautiful." He said to her and she smiled.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." She replied back.

"Ladies and gentlemen today we bring Harry Edward Styles and Analeeze Teresa Massa(A/N js if you don't remember from the first chapter Yaya said that Analeeze was her real name and Yaya was a nickname she went by so don't get confused.) together in holy matrimony." The priest began.

"Now would you two like to say your vows?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"I'll go first." He said.

"Yaya since the day we meet you've been in my heart. Your smile brightens my day. Your laugh makes me smile. Your snoring at night soothes me. Your beauty amazes me. You in every possible way makes my life a whole lot brighter. Your everything I want, everything I see, most importantly.....your everything I need to be myself. You complete me in every way and without you I would be nothing. Today we seal our love and begin a new chapter in this horrid place we call home. But I know with you by my side. This nightmare we live in. Might become a true dream." He finished and Yaya began to smile and cry.

"That was lovely Harry. Now Analeeze."

"Harry your my night in shinning armor. Your the person I've always saw myself with and so much more. Your kindness, your heart, smile, hair, just you is everything I've wanted. Thank you, thank you for loving me in this mad world we live in. I never thought I'd share my heart with a man like you. A man who isn't afraid to take risks for the ones he loves. A man who forgives for the stupid mistakes we all make. That I make especially. You Harry styles is a true man and It is not you with the honor of this marriage. But is I since I'll be spending the rest of my life with you. I love you to the moon and back." She said with tears forming in her eyes. Her smile was big and wide and so was his.

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