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Walking through the gym I noticed Angel and Jonathan were talking while Sarina was gawking at herself through the mirror.

'She's so fucking conceded.' I thought to myself. I put my AK47 down by the treadmill and played with my fingers. Then I put in my head phones in and started listening to music. I looked around the room and tried to picture how it was before the virus. I tend to do this a lot when I'm alone or I'm listening to music. Then I saw my dad step in the room in his usual uniform.

"Soldiers stand forth." He said and I turned off my music and grabbed my AK. I then ran towards them in my normal line up.

"We need medical supplies,food,cloths,baby supplies, and toys for the little ones." He said and I knew where we needed to go.

"Captain Analeeze you know where to go am I correct." He said

"Sir yes sir." I yelled.

"Remember your training and since this job will be a little more difficult I'm adding people with you on this mission." He said and I knew who they were. My best friends from when the world was easier. Just then Maria,Kiara,Brianna,and Daniel came out. I love these girls with everything in me. But Daniel was a different story. Back then I wanted to punch him. Now I wanna punch him and let him get eaten by a walker.

"YAYA!" My dad yelled and knocked me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and smiled.

"You will take the vans so you can carry the stuff. Keep your weapons close and be safe. That means you Daniel." He said. I turned towards my crew and noticed the job won't be hard since these people were very skilled. Everyone except Daniel since he's almost killed us and himself a million times this year.

"Alright I want everyone to head to the vans. Angel your drive van one and Jonathan can drive van two. Now everyone go NOW!" I said and they scampered to the vans. When I was walking away I heard my mothers sweet voice say,

"They're smart they'll be ok Yaya will keep them safe." I loved my mother and she's always right. But I hope she's right this time.

Loving you is worth the fightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora