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Kendall's POV

That Yaya bitch is ruining my chances !fm getting Harry back. He's been on my mind everyday since the apocalypse and now I find him and this whore takes him. Yes I remember teasing her in Middle School she was so ugly then. Not saying she's pretty now but she's attractive you can say. Anyways I'm going to do anything in my power to get MY Harry back because guess what he is mine and he'll forever be mine. Right now I'm with Maria, Kiara, Eleanor, and Perrie. Sophia and Barbra want Niall and Liam back but they have to wait. So they can't make any moves on the boys.

"Alright Maria do you have anything on the three whores." I said and she nodded. She had a sad face and looked at me.

"Harry and Yaya.......had sex the night of the dance and so did Louis and Brianna and Zayn and Sarina. Also...I'm sorry El but Brianna's pregnant." Maria said and we nodded. I felt as if needles have been but through my heart. How could this happen?? Just then Perrie stood up.

"I can't do this anymore.." She said and I looked at her confused. What the hell is she talking about.

"I can't do this to Zayn if he's happy then I'm not ruining it for him. Goodbye girls call me when you notice it's time to move on and let them be happy without us." She said and El nodded.

"Now that she's pregnant. She needs Louis and I'm not doing that to them and the baby." El said and I stood up.

"WAIT........why let those girls take them? Why let them go we love them.." El cut me off.

"When you love something set it free. If it comes back it's yours if not it was never yours to begin with. Remember that Kendall." She said and her and Perrie walked out the door. They might have given up but I sure won't.

"MARIA......find out more information. I need to get her to crack." I said and Maria and Kiara started whispering to each other. I heard Maria say no and Kiara shut her up.

"They're's one thing that'll crack Yaya and that's when you bring up her brother. Her brother was a great fighter but he went missing and every time you bring him up she brakes down." She said and I smiled......this is just what I need. For her to be in a depressed state come and kiss Harry make sure she sees and then BOOM they brake up and he's mine none again. Nothing can go wrong.


Short Ik and I'm sorry but give me credit damn lmfao love you guys xoxoxox

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