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Yayas POV

I'm so nervous. His family and mine and his have to make a judgment on me. Oh god what if they dislike me. Or worst they hate me and take Harry away. Oh lord please please pleaseeeeee don't let that happen.

"Come on Darling. We have to go meet them." Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts. Then I nodded. We walked hand and hand to the meadow. Laughing about lots of things. Making silly faces. We walked slow to let these silly moments last. When we reach the door I held onto his hand tighter. Tighter then ever before. He did the same. When we opened the door Harry's family and mine were seated. Two seats were open between Anne and my mother. Before we sat down Anne came towards us and hugged us tightly. It was a really nice hug. She lead us to the table and sat me next to her. Harry sat next to my mother.

"So dear tell me about yourself. Other than the wonderful things we've heard." She said and I blushed.

"Well I'm 17 turning 18 in November. I'm a walker specialist. I know most ways how to kill them and I know everything I've gathered up about them. I have three sisters. One isn't my real sister but the other two are. Ummm........I love children and animals and I love your son too." I said and she smiled.

"Wow.....your incredible for just one girl. How did you learn all this about them?" She asked and I began to tell her about my training and the times I left the prison to go and teach myself.

She was fascinated. Her eyes gleamed with excitement while I explained. When I finished and hugged me tightly.

"Oh darling that must of been an experience for you." She said and I nodded.

"As much as I hate this virus I'm thankful for it because it lead me to the man I love." I said grabbing Harry's hand and he pecked my lips. The Louis screamed.

"NO KISSING IN FRONT IF THE BABY AND BRIANNA!" Louis yelled covering Brianna's eyes and her stomaches eyes. We all laughed and Gemma came up to me and hugged me for dear life.

"Thank you for taking care of my little brother. He needed someone like you and I'm happy he has you." She said and I smiled and hugged her back.

"Thank you Gemma I love your brother and I think I'm more thankful for him than he is for me." I said and she laughed.

"I don't think that's possible love." Harry whispered into my ear. I smiled. The rest of the night we all talked and ate. Robbin told me how he can shoot a crossbow and that's what helped them survive. Also Anne made survival gear by hand while Gemma learned to shoot guns really good. They all had talent we could use here. We joked around Harry told them about our funniest moments. Louis told about the baby and Zayn and Sarina talked about them being happy. My parents got along very well with Harry's and my sisters and Gemma basically became best friends. Then Gemma asked a question that made me go silent.

"So you guys are only girls." She asked and I looked down and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"No..." Sarina started.

"We had a brother but......he went missing." She said and Gemma nodded.

"I'm so sorry it must be hard without him." She said and I picked my head up and nodded.

"He was my brother and my best friend I miss him yes but I know one day he'll come back and well be happy together." I said and they nodded and Harry rubbed my back. I smiled and changed the topic. We spoke about how we want the apocalypse to end and a guard interrupted us.

"Captain Yaya.......someone would like to speak with you." He said and we stood up.

"Excuse us for a moment." I said as I walked with the guards to find the one person I thought I'd never see again. That's when tears swelled up in my face.

"Oh my god Alain." I said brother tried to walk towards us. He smiled then collapsed on the floor. That's when I gasped screamed when I saw Alain's injury. A really deep cut on his leg he was losing a lot of blood and the cut looked fresh but it was filthy. Then Harry ran through the doors.

"Why is my girlfriend screaming!!" He yelled and I was helping my brother.

"Harry this is my brother now help me get him to the clinic." I said and we nodded and carried him to the clinic. After 2 hours of him being in the clinic getting stitched, cleaned, blood restored, and rest he woke up and smiled at the sight of me.

"Wow Yaya it's really you." He said and I laughed.

"Yeah it's me....." I said crying and laughing. Then Harry walked in with water for me.

"Here babe.....oh hi I'm Harry Yayas boyfriend." Harry said and Alain smiled.

"Hi I'm Alain Yayas older brother." Alain said and I smiled at the two important guys to me talking.

"Yaya would you mind if I talk to Harry....alone." He said and I shook my head.

"Nope not at all. I'm going to go talk to Anne and Gemma they should be by my room." I said and got up kissing Harry and kissing Alains cheek. While I walked out I saw the person I thought was dead. Basically the person who made me fear my life everyday. Who wanted me and forced me to have him. When his eyes landed on me he began to smile at me and give me an evil grin. That's when my eyes went wide.

"Jo-Josh.." I said and he smiled even wider.

"Hello Analeeze missed me babe." He said and I backed up.

"Stay away from me Josh Hutcherson. I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone." I screamed through tears. I'm not afraid if anyone. Yea that's true. But he's the only one who scares the living shit out of me.

"Oh Analeeze I'm not gonna hurt you I'm just here to get you and bring you to the city." He said in an evil tone with an evil ass grin. Oh shit the city they've been wanting me there for years and I never accepted. I always said no. Now they're trying to take me by force. When I went to run he grabbed my wrist. Oh god I need a weap...oh yeah my gun pack why didn't I think of that I'm such an idiot. I reached for my blade and he grabbed my other had and placed it behind my back.

"You know what Analeeze The city wants you yes but before that I think you'll need one of our good old punishment. But since we are older we can have better punishments. " He said and my eyes went wide. I'm so fucking scared at this moment. Then I thought to myself something. He may be stronger than me in the past but I'm stronger now. That's when I grabbed his wrists and spined him around to face where I was. Then I kicked his balls and back. He was on the floor in pain.

"I might be afraid of you but I'm not letting you push me around anymore Josh.......I'm older now and I'm sick and tired of your bullshit." I said and kicked him in the guts.

"You'll pay for this Analeeze......I swear on that and the city will have you one way or another." He said getting up and leaping to the doors.

"Dream on Josh I'm not joining the city troops anytime soon and that's a fucking promise. Tell your leader to leave me the fuck alone because I belong to the prison and the prison only." I yelled and walked up to my room. Tonight has been a long night. I need sleep.

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