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Harry's POV

Yayas dress looks amazing in her. It fits her body well and she just looked gorgeous.

"Babe you alright? You seem tense." She said and I shook my head.

"No babe I'm fine and might I say you look stunning." I said and. She laughed.

"You've said that twice tonight." She said and I laughed.

"Well it's true darling. You look amazing." I laughed and so did she.

"Well Darling you look amazing. And might I say I have one sexy boyfriend." She said pecking my lips. That's when I pushed her against the wall for a second.

"Oh no baby you look sexy in that dress." I said facing her. Her cheeks red and that's when I kissed her. A passionate kiss and I loved it.

"Come on babe we got to go I'm the dance. I wanna see what dress my sister is wearing. You know since she never ever where's dresses." She said and I nodded. I swear this girl is going to be the end of me.

Yayas POV

The little moment with Harry in the hall way was just perfect but sadly it had to end because is knew it would of got a little more heated and I didn't want to ruin my surprise for him tonight. Yes I'm planning on losing it to him and I've talked to my grandmother about this and she agrees. As we walked through the storage doors I noticed it looked amazing. It had no windows and it was sound proof. The stage had streamers on the top and balloons along the side. The flashing lights looked great. The whole room that was full of crap just looked great. Everyone was dressed formal and it was like prom I never had.

"Come on babe let's go see the boys and the girls." Harry said and I nodded. We had our hands interwind walking towards them. Zayn and sarina were laughing they're heads off while Louis and Brianna made stupid ass faces. Niall and Kiara were eating and laughing at everyone. Liam and Maris were..........KISSING!! What the fuck?!?!

"Harry babe look at Liam and Maria." I said and he turned to face the two kissing.

"Awww I think he asked her." He said. Then I faced him and smiled.

"At least she's happy." I said and he nodded. Then the song Adore by Miley Cyrus came on and he put his hands out to dance. Which I gladly took. Then we began to move side to side swiftly while he sang the chorus to me. Then we just danced. Then sarina pulled me away from Harry.

"Did you ask him if he wanted to do the duet with you." She said and I shook my head.

"I'm going to ask him now." I said and when I turned around I saw Kendall trying to dance on Harry but he keeps moving away. That's when I speed walked to her and yanked her away from him.


"Calm down I'm just dancing with him and he wasn't yours to begin with you stole him from me." She said and I shoved her to go to Harry.

"That was the past baby girl. This is the future let go." I said and I walked to Harry leaving a screaming Kendall behind me.

"Hey babe I gotta ask you something." I told Harry not wanting to bring up the Kendall thing.

"What's up babe and she came and started dancing on me. I didn't wanna dance with her only you." He said and I smiled.

"I know babe and do you wanna sing a duet with me I have to sing and I ready don't wanna so it alone." I said and he smiled. His famous dimples showing which made me smile too.

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