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Harry's POV

"So Harry how you feeling?" Zayn asked while we were getting the tuxes.

"My head hurts. And I'm still trying to process everything that's happened. But what I'm really shocked about is that we've been in a coma for two fucking years." I said to myself. As we were walking through the store I saw a magazine. But not any magazine. It had a picture if Kendal and I. Oh shit Kendal. I forgot about her.

"ZAYN,LOUIS OUR GIRLFRIENDS!" I yelled and Zayn stopped. Then tears began to fall from his cheeks. Lousi began to cry. Then I began to cry. Kendal I missed her . I hope she's alive. Just thinking about her made me think about the great times we had. The laughs the dates. Even her crazy family made me smile. Wait family. Mum,Robin,and Gemma. Are they alright. Please tell me they are alright. I cried harder. And I threw myself to the floor. I looked up to Niall crying too.

"Mate they would want us to live and be happy. They'll always be in our hearts. Just me thankful were alive." Louis said. He was right. I took the magazine and put it with the rest of the tuxes.

"Ok lads let's finish getting what we need for Yala." I said.

"It's Yaya Harry." Zayn said.

"My bad." I said and we continued shopping.

Yayas POV

Before the virus was announced I hated shopping. I was an outcast so how would I love shopping nothing I would wear would get the boys attention. I hate shopping but there's a difference from then and now. Now all I can think about is if the walkers will come and we can't get the stuff. Or even worse one of my crew members get infected. These things are always on my mind when were here. I'm not paranoid I'm just cautious.

"Oh my fucking god! This is the cutest fucking dress EVER!!" Maria yelled.

Yea these girls can care less about the virus. It's like it never happened in their minds when they're here. I don't think any of them were the worst then another though. They love shopping. Just like in high school.

Durning high school Sarinas long blond hair and green eyes made the boys fall head over heels for her during high school. She looked like a model and the way she dressed made her one of the hottest girls in school. But that was before the virus. Now those looks only bring danger to herself. Yeah guys look at her but those guys are usually the nasty old men that are perverts.

Maria was another beauty. She had kind black hair that was up to her mid back. Those brown eyes of hers made any boy fall to their knees for her. She could have any guy she wanted anytime she wanted during high school. She was a cheerleader and she was in the arts program. Her voice is like an angels and her acting cost her many scouts for many colleges. But it was all for nothing the virus was announced. Her boyfriend at the time was the first to he infected in our group. In high school she would of moved on so fast. But she still hasn't moved on from him. We don't mention his name it'll only make her upset.

Brianna was the goofy beauty you could say. She was an actress but all the boys fell in love the second she appeared in the hallways. Her long brow hair and blue,green eyes made all the girl jealous of her. She was I think the only girl I ever knew that had all the boys over her but only keeps her eyes on one boy. Who ended up braking her heart two days before the virus was announced.

Finally a there's Kiara. Her short blond hair and green eyes were similar to Sarinas but Kiara was shorter. Like all the others the boys focused their eyes on her. She was one of the captains if the cheerleading team for the high school. Like Brianna all the girls were jealous of her. They wanted to be her. Kiara's a kind person and she was known for her kindness and beauty. During high school it was very difficult to find girls like Kiara.

"Yaya what are you going to wear to the party huh?" Kiara asked snapping me out if my thoughts.

"I might just stand watch with the guards. I don't want anything to happen while you guys are partying." I said and they all looked at me as if I was insane.

"Oh hell you are. Your going to that fucking party and your going to have fun. You work hard as hell trying to keep us safe. You need a brake." Sarina said. I don't get why they always want time to do these things. They wanted me to do it in high school and they still want me to do it during a fucking apocalypse.

"I'm not going for two reasons. One I'm not the partying type. Two I don't have a date so I'm not going." I said. What's funny is I said the exact same things during high school but they still got me to go.

"We don't have dates and who cares f your not the partying type you need to let lose a little. Your too tense and you need to chill out and party out." Brianna said with a giant smile on her lips.

"You guys are going to get dates just watch. I'm not going that's it." I said turning around picking up a few dresses from a rack and putting them in the cart.

"True........but what are you afraid of huh Yaya. Are you scared that what happened during junior year will happen again durning this party." Maria said. Oh no junior year. That was the dance they convinced me to go to. I had a date with the hottest guy in school and I looked beautiful. But it was the worst night of my life.


"And the winners of Junior prom king and queen are.....ANALEEZE MASSA AND JOSH HUTCHERSON!!!!" The principal announced. Sarina,Maria,Brianna,and Kiara were cheering. I was so shocked. Then Josh grabbed my hand and we walked up on stage. They placed the crown upon my curled brown hair and I started to tear. Thank god for the water proofed make up. Thank you Maria. Just then Leslie Martinez walked upon the stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Awww look the smart bitch and the hot jock are king and queen. Aww why don't we show everyone a video what do you think Analeeze." She said and she had an evil smirk plastered on her lips. Just then a video of me making out with my Taylor Laughtiner doll in my "JB IS A HOTTIE" shirt and my cute duck pants showed up on the projector. Everyone in the audience began to laugh. Then when I though it wasn't going to get any worst. Leslie and her bitch crew poured black paint all over my white dress. Then it got even worst. They began to throw stuff at me. Then I began to cry and tried to run off stage. Only to fall down the stairs. Josh was laughing too. I thought he liked me. Then I saw Leslie kiss him and I began to cry more. Just then she came walking towards me.

"Dumb loser bitched like you don't deserve this crown or the hot guy. You think this was all great didn't you. Ha nerds don't become que ends idiot. I thought you were smart." She said laughing and pulling the crown off my head. Sarina and the girls helped me up.

"Your a cold hearted bitch I hope you go to hell." Sarina said heading on to the stage. Just then Sarina and Leslie started fighting. Then josh pulled Sarina off and she came back to me. Then we all left.


That was one of the reasons why i didn't want to go but I don't want them to know that.

"No it's not."I lied.

"It's i don't like to party that's all." I said.

"Then if your not afraid then come. I thought you weren't afraid of anything." Maria said. Crap they're good now I have to fucking go.

"Fine I'll go. But if anything goes wrong I'm coming after you four." I said and they all cheered.

"Come on we have to get you your outfit. And who knows maybe a certain boy will ask you." Maria said and I knew who she was talking about.

"I don't like him." I said. It was partly true. I didn't know what I felt for him. But I'm not going to date him that's for sure.

"What ever you say boss lady." Brianna said and we continued shopping.

Loving you is worth the fightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon