Chapter 1 Arriving

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( Just to tell you guys I'm a newbie to this and this is my first Fanfiction)

Aphmau's P.O.V

I arrive in the woods and start looking at my surroundings. Nothing but trees! "I need to make a house out of a good hole or find a village.... Guess I'll just find a good hole I mean there's nothing but trees!" So I start trying to find a good hole to stay in till I see a man. I started yelling " HEY!!!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!" Once I get to where he was he was gone. Then I see him leave the tree he was cutting. "OI YOU DIDN"T FINISH CUTTING THIS TREE!" I spot him again and I run after him. 

After running to get him I stop at a village seeing 2 guards. They look at me.... awkward moment of silence. Till a guy in a helmet dressed in black and white introduces himself. "Hello, I.. I'm Garroth, I'm the Head guard here." He studdered "Hi... I'm Aphmau but you can call me Aph" Then a guard with orange hair walks over. "Zenix who was that guy that just ran past?" So the other guard in the helmet is Zenix. "Whos this?" As once again I introduce myself. "Hi I'm Aphmau but you can call me Aph." "Well nice to meet you Aphmau I'm Laurence, and you are a beautiful angel." Then I didn't want to say anything after that. 

"Well, uhm what brings you here to our village?" Says Garroth. "I'm just looking for a place to stay." "Ok, well I'll show you where you can stay, Zenix, Laurence." They look at Garroth. "Keep an eye out for that guy he seemed suspicious." Then Garroth started walking away. And I followed him.

We arrive at a house, All I could see through the window were bookshelves. He knocks on the door. And a blond hair girl comes out of the house. While Garroth talked to her I looked around but stayed close by. "Aph?" "Yes?" "This is Emmalyn you will be roommates with her till we make another house." I had no trouble having a roommate. "Thank you Garroth." He walks back to his post. I arrive inside the house and then the girl Emmalyn just starts yelling me the rules to her house!? So I decided to walk around the village after she finished yelling her lungs out.

Garroth's P.O.V

When Aphmau walked by she looked beautiful. Its like her brown eyes had glistened. Her silky black hair. It was like I was in a dream. Then I went back to reality. When I had started introducing myself I had studdered I felt like a total idiot! I was so embarrassed my face turned red as a tomato glad I was wearing a helmet. Once I got her to her house I went back to Zenix. 

He started laughing. "What?" " You *laugh* like her!!" Then my face started to blush. "Are you blushing?" "N-n-no!" "YOU ARE SO!!!" "N-no I'm not I-I dont even know her!" He kept laughing once again. I felt so embarrassed. "Hey Zenix, Hey Garroth." Then I froze, and turn around to see Aphmau. Couldn't this get any worst. "Why is Zenix laughing?" OH WHY DID I SAY THAT! "Uh... Hes uhm laughing b-because..." I tried to find a excuse for this!! But then Laurence came in and looked at me then Zenix then at me. "Whats going on?" "N-nothing.... I'll uh be back later..."

Laurence's P.O.V 

Ok something was going on with Garroth. " Zenix why are you laughing like your dieing of laughter?" He stops laughing. "I'll tell you later." "Uhm.. you guys know I'm here right?" Then I turn to see Aphmau. I didn't even notice she was there.

Aphmau's P.O.V

Well there is something going on. So I just left them to their business. Then I walk to see a well full of people. It looked like they were taking a bath in public. ( XD I couldn't think of anything else XD) So I just helped them out a little. Then next thing I know is that I fall in a big hole! I get my way up and cover it. At lease that was done. One thing to make that safe. It starts to become sunset. And I head my way to the house. I see inside a extra bed and go to sleep.

( At the end I felt like I had Writers Block every writer get it. #GARMAU!!)

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