Chapter 29 Malachi

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WAIT WAIT WAIT, WHAT!? WHEN HAS THIS STARTED? I coughed. They both stopped and looked at me... Garroth was the first to talk, "Laurence..." Aphmau sighed, "We wanted to tell you but... with all of the commotion, we kind of..." "Forgot..." "It's fine guys.... And congrats Garroth... But we might want to tell everyone...." They both nodded. I went back to the guard tower. I sat on the chair. "He won... But I shouldn't interfere...

Aphmau's P.O.V

I sighed, "Well, did it seem he took it well?" "Nope..." "Thought so..." "Were going to have to put away this stuff." "Agreed..." Then me and Garroth started putting the stuff away. Then Zoey and Levin came to the Plaza. "APHMAU YOUR ALIVE!!!" "Yeah I am." "But how!?" "Lady Irene sent me back from the heavens." Levin walked up to me. "Momma!" I picked him up and hugged him. "I miss you!" "You too Levin." 

We all went home except for Garroth since he had to stay at the guard tower. I sat down at the dinning table. I sighed. "Aphmau? Is something wrong?" "No... nothings going on!" "What's going on?" "Alright, I'll tell you DON'T TELL ANYONE ELSE!" "I promise." "Ok well me and Garroth.... have been together for a while..." Zoey looked at me in shock. "What!?" "Yeah... We told Laurence first." "When did this happen!?" "After the arrow incident..." "Oh... HOW DID YOU FIGURE OUT HE LIKED YOU!?" "I spied him he was odd that one day for some reason. Then I took a nap after figuring out then I went to the docks... I talked to him about it and yeah..." 

"Can I tell Molly!" "NO! Do you not know how much she has been shipping me and Garroth! If she figures out she's going to freak out!" "Right. How bout Kiki?" "She is shipping me and Garroth also..." "Then who can I tell!" "No one me and Garroth are telling on our own." "WHEN!" "I don't know whenever he wants to." She groaned. "Well it's almost evening I think I'm gonna walk around the village for a bit." "Ok see you later Aphmau." 

I go outside the door and closed it. I turn around to see a ghost...child? I jumped back. "Uh... Hello who are you?" "I-I'm Malachi do you remember that one time you saw a ghost?" "Yeah..." "Well that was me... I accidently sent you your greatest fear... I didn't mean to on purpose it just happens." "Oh well it's alright. Do you have a mother or father?" "No, I have searched everywhere for them." "Then how come you are here?" "I have a castle I control, but it's invisible right now no one can see it." "Oh well..." "I can't really get out of it I can only get out 20 meters from my castle." "Oh... well is there a way I can help you?" "I think so I need some kind of spell to release me." "Alright... What's the spell." 

He told me the spell and I casted it on him. "So? Anything?" "I don't know I don't feel different." "Come on let's go farther. But where's your castle?" "Above your house." "I'll put it in a forest somewhere randomly." Malachi made the castle appear. And I teleported it to a random forest. " So how long have you been a ghost?" "For a very long time." Then I thought his mother and father would've died if that happened. He seemed like he was gone for a long time since he was a ghost. "Malachi I think your parents died... Since you were gone for a long time." "Oh..." He started forming tears. 

"But I can take you in." He looked up at me. "Really?" "Yeah you'll have a brother too." "" I smiled. "Come on." Me and Malachi went inside. I made an extra bed and put it in Levin's room. "Ok Malachi, this is your brother Levin." "Hi, Levin I'm your big brother." "Big brother?" "Yeah..." ".... PLAY!" I sighed in relief. "Alright, you 2 play I'm going to go around town." I left their room and went outside the house. 

I walked down the stairs and past the guard tower. Then I went into the Plaza. I saw Logan, Donna, Kiki, Laurence, Garroth, and Dante. I sighed. I went over to Kiki. "Hi Kiki." "Oh Hi Aphmau how are you?" "I'm ok I guess..." "Is something wrong?" "No it's nothing really..." "Oh alright." Then someone came over to me. It was the Crazy cat Lady. "YOU WHY HASN'T MY DAUGHTER GOTTEN A HOUSE YET!?" I groaned. I walked by the Lady Irene fountain. I sat on it. I was having stuff on my mind. "What if the Shadow Lord comes back... What if there's too many..." Then someone pushed me into the water in the fountain. I looked up to see Sasha!? "Whoops sorry." I got out and put my sword at her neck. She laughed, "Is the, best you got!?" Then Malachi came out of a bush. Then put Sasha in a red aura. Then Sasha knocked out. 

"Malachi I thought I told you to stay home." Then Garroth, Laurence, and Dante came over. Garroth looked at me, "Aphmau whos this?" "He's Malachi I adopted him." Dante sighed, "Where he come from?" "A castle he could move it but I set him free." It started to turn night. I sent Sasha back to the Nether. Then I fell to my knees again. Garroth helped me stand up. "Thanks Garroth." I kissed his cheek. Then started walking home. While I was I heard someone yell, "YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER!?" I was guessing that was Dante. Me and Malachi went home and I went into my room and fell asleep on my bed. 

(Sorry Malachi is so late in :( I forgot about him in the beginning XP Not remembering much!)

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