Chapter 38 Surprise!

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Aphmau's P.O.V

My eyes started to flutter open. I felt better. I looked around to see I was in my room. But no one was inside. I sat up from my bed. I put my feet on the floor and stood up. I looked outside the window to see Phoenix Drop. I walked downstairs. Zoey looked at me in shock. "What?" "YOUR FINALLY AWAKE!" She ran and hugged me. "What?...." "She stepped back. "Well.... you've been sick for about a week and were always asleep." "I see... But I'm gonna see how everyone is..." "Not yet!" "What?" "Come here!" She grabbed my wrist and we went into her bedroom.

"Garroth doesn't know your awake yet. So let's do a surprise!" "Sure but, what's the occasion?" "Well... I read that letter you guys received from O'kasis and, everyone in the village knows Garroth's birthday. So when you guys received that letter and I read that it was on Garroth's birthday for the Grand Ball. So I was thinking that you should surprise him...." "Great Idea. I guess I'm his birthday present then." We both laughed. Then I heard Garroth yell, "ZOEY!?" We froze. "Aphmau teleport to your room and fake sleep!" I nodded and teleported to my room. I went on the bed and faked sleep in the same position I was in when I awoke.

Garroth's P.O.V

Zoey came up from the basement. "Hey.... Garroth!...... W-What are you doing here......" Zoey was acting strange. "I just wanted to see if Aphmau was awake yet..." "She isn't sorry..." "Oh alright..." Then I left the house and went to patrol.

Aphmau's P.O.V

I came downstairs. "Is he gone?" "Yeah..." "So how am I going to have to tell everyone I'm awake when we can't tell Garroth!?" "Hm... well.... I'll go tell everyone but they can't tell Garroth." "Alright." Then Zoey left the house. I went upstairs and went into Levin's and Malachi's room. "Mom!" Malachi went to me and hugged me. "Momma!" Levin did the same. "Hi boys, Were going to throw a surprise party for Garroth." "Why?" "Because we missed his birthday since I was asleep for so long." "Oh ok." Levin and Malachi went back to playing. I went into my room. I sat on a chair and looked outside the window and watched Phoenix Drop. It was peaceful and quiet.

Zoey came back inside. I went downstairs. "Ok I told everyone." "Great. So when should the party be?" "Hm... we need to distract Garroth somehow..." "I agree.... but how..." We started to think. There was a knock on the door. "Aphmau go upstairs." I ran upstairs but I was listening in. "Oh, Hey Garroth..... So, what are you doing here..... again..." Garroth sighed, "I just wanted to see Aphmau." "Sorry but um.... I'm afraid you can't...." "And why?" "I......uh.... don't want her sickness to spread....." "Alright...." Then the door shut. Zoey sighed. I came down the stairs. "That was close." "Too close!" 

"Ok anyways we still need him to be distracted." "HEY I KNOW!" "What?" "Lets just say you ran away for a strange reason." "Maybe that could work... Hm... I guess it could." "Great while I will go tell Garroth, so go set everything up!" I nodded.

Zoey's P.O.V (I'm doing Zoeys because of the lying!! XD)

I started running around town looking for Garroth. I had to act like I was in a rush. I found him coming from the Guard tower. "GARROTH!!!" He looked over to me. "Zoey why aren't you inside with Aphmau?" "BECAUSE...... APHMAU..... ISN'T THERE!!! SHE RAN AWAY I FOUND HER BUT SHE USED HER MAGICKS TO BACK ME AWAY!!!" "Oh no... Go tell Laurence I'll be out for a while. Which way did she go?" "I don't know she used her magicks to make me fall and I didn't see where she went." He sighed, "Alright..." I sighed in relief. "Well that's done."

Aphmau's P.O.V

Zoey came over to the Plaza. "Did you do it?" "Yeah he fell for it." "Great." Everyone was here to help decorate the party. "Ok well I'm gonna go to Cadenza's to get my dress." I walked to Cadenza's house. I went inside and downstairs. "Oh Aphmau here your dress." "Thanks." I go in the changing room and put the dress on. I came out. "Aphmau I put a hood on there too." "Why?" "For you to hide your face silly." "Oh right." I put the hood on. "You look beautiful!" "Thanks, Cadenza." "No problem." I left the house and went into the Plaza. "Ok so what's the plan Zoey?" "Well, good thing Cadenza gave you the hood. So that's better! But the plan is that you sit in a chair here facing at Garroth where he arrives. But not directly at his face. And he will ask you who you are. Because you kind of look like an assassin with the hood on...." "Yeah I do." "Ok back to the plan.... So once he asks you who you are, actually do what you want...." "Oh ok?" "I think he's coming sit there!" 

I sit down on the chair. All you could see what the Plaza lights. I crossed my arms and looked at the ground. I crossed my legs. Then Garroth came in the Plaza. He saw me then approached to me. "Who are you?" I smirked, "This is gonna be fun" "WHO ARE YOU!?" He took out his sword and put it at my face. I used my magicks to flick the sword out of his hand. "What the...Show yourself!" I held the top of my hood and took it off. I looked up at him with a smirk. "APHAMU!?" Then everyone came out and yelled, "SURPRISE!" He looked in shock. "Surprise Garroth." I grinned. He was frozen. I laughed. Then he came back to reality. "A-Aphmau...." "I know, Zoey lied to you all day." "WHAT!?" "Just so we could decorate the Plaza and plan everything. But the thing is...." I stood up and went closer up to his face. "I was your surprise present." Then I kissed him.

(I LUVED DOING THAT PART XD   It made me laugh so bad rereading it and checking everything.)

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