Chapter 7 Secrets

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I woke up on my bed and in my house. "H-how?" Then someone entered my room. Garroth. "Your awake!""W-what happened how did I get here!?" Then Zoey came in " LADY APHMAU!! YOUR OKAY!!" "I'm starting to get a headache." Garroth came beside my bed. "Aphmau you told me you were at the Nether then had fainted. Do you not remember what happened?" "N-no I-I don't think so." Then there was a moment of silence. Then Zoey had said in relief "Lady Aphmau, it'll come back soon." Then Zoey left the room. Garroth turned to me. "Aphmau you should get rest." I nodded and he left. Then I felt something a....Dark presence. But why do I feel these!? Then I fell asleep.

Garroth's P.O.V

After I went out of Aphmau's room, I decided to guard her house in case. Then Laurence came up to me. "Hey Garroth, Lady Aphmaus awake?" "Yes she is, but shes getting some rest." "Did she tell you anything before she fainted." I nodded. "Then what she say." "She was at the Nether." " WAIT WHAT!" "That's what she had said before she fainted. If she was at the Nether she must've been kidnapped." "Well I better be heading back to my post." "See you Laurence." Then he had walked back to his post. Thats when I heard a scream. I went up to Aphmau's room seeing her....FLYING!? "HELP!" Then she fell down. "Lady Aphmau how did you?" "I remember..." "Wait what? You remember what happened!" She nodded. "Then what happened?" 

She explained everything to me of what had happened in the Nether. "And uhm.... I had a dream or maybe a vision..." "What was it, when was it?" "When I had fainted. I saw someone with angel wings and a white aura surrounding them. They had said something but I couldn't hear most of it." "Okay, but you were flying?" "Didn't I tell you already. I started flying for a odd reason at the Nether too!" "Yes you did but that was when you were being attacked. But you weren't attacked. Plus you said something about a forcefield?" She nodded. "Hm.. Zoey might know something about this. But for now you should try to rest." "Alright thank you Garroth."

 Then I went out of the room to see Zoey. "I heard." "So do you know anything about this." "No, Sorry I haven't heard anything like that before. Not ever since some of Lady Irene's powerful descendants." "Wait what? She had powerful descendants? More powerful than her?" Zoey nodded. "Then Aphmau must be one of them!" "She might be. But we don't know how many powers she has yet. We might have to wait for the other powers show up." I sighed and agreed. Then Zoey went into Levin's room. And I went outside and went patrolling. I care about Aphmau but...wait I-I can't have feelings for her or Phoenix Drop and Aphmau would be in danger! I bet I'm still supposed to marry the daughter of Scaleswind! 

Aphmau's P.O.V

When Garroth went out of the room I couldn't even try to rest. I had too much on my mind. After a few minutes, I decided to get out of bed. I stood and started walking out of my room. I go into the kitchen seeing no one. "Wonder where Zoey is." Then I went outside. I walked down to the docks to relax and clear my mind. I sat on the docks and took of my shoes. Putting my feet in the water. Then I heard someone behind me. I take out my sword and turned around. "Oh Garroth it's just you. I thought you were Zane." "Sorry... wait did you say Zane?" "Yeah, Oh I forgot to tell you that he was in the Nether too." "WHAT!?" "Yeah, and why are you overreacting?" "Aphmau I have something to tell you but don't tell anyone else...." "I promise." Then he told me everything about his past and about Zane. 

"Wait so Zane's your BROTHER!?" "Younger Brother. I'm the eldest and engaged to the daughter of Scaleswind for a peace treaty, but I didn't want that so I faked my death and ran away." "Wait does that mean Donna's your sister!?" "Yeah I guess." I yawned, "I'm going to bed." "Goodnight, and t-thanks for listening Lady Aphmau." I smiled at him and blushed. Then went to my house and got in bed.

Love will have to pay a price (Garmau Fanfiction) ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now