Chapter 30 I'm not meant to be here.

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(Song Pieces by Red)

Aphmau's P.O.V


I was in a pit of darkness. I couldn't see anything but black. But then I appeared into Phoenix Drop. Then something was holding my neck. It was the Shadow Lord. I tried using my powers but it didn't work. The Shadow Lord laughed, "Too bad I took it all away." Then he let me go. I look around to see everyone dead... "N-no.." "Sorry but they were in our way." I started to have tears. Then I spotted Garroth laying there. I started crying. "Don't worry we will help you Aphmau." Then I felt dark. Then a mirror appeared in front of me. I was different. My eyes red. My hair a pitch black. "Like I said Aphmau we can help you." "N-no you CAN'T!" "I didn't want to do this but." Then the Shadow Lord took out a sword and stabbed me with it. "YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE HERE!" Then everything went black.

~~~ End of Dream ~~~

I woke up breathing fast. I tried to calm down, but I couldn't. I sat up and looked at my hands. Then I started to burst to tears. I couldn't stop. "W-why.... Why is this happening.... to me..." I closed my eyes and kept crying. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Garroth. He smiled at me. He wiped away my tears. "I hate seeing you cry..." Then he hugged me. I hugged him back. "Everything will be fine Aph." I hugged him tighter. I closed my eyes. "Thank you..." We backed away. "Now what happened?" I looked at the ground. "You were all dead... and the Shadow Lord turned me to.... something else..." "Aph, That will never happen." "But..." "No. It will never happen. Ever." I still felt like there was something going to happen. No matter what I do... I started to tear up. I tried not to show it. But I kept shaking. Garroth sat by me. I put my hands over my eyes. Garroth hugged me. It made it worst. I cared for everyone! But what if this happens... Everyone dead before my eyes. Me turned to a Shadow Knight. Garroth, gone for good... 

I started to burst into tears again. I couldn't take it. I got up from the bed. "Aph?" Then I ran away as far as I could. I went down the stairs and outside the house. Then I ran out of the village. I kept hearing Garroth yell my name. I kept running no matter what. "I can't go back I CAN'T! Everyone will die because of me." I kept running and running I didn't stop. Then I fell, and kept crying. I heard something so I ran into a cave. Then I saw it was Garroth. "APH!!! PLEASE COME OUT!!!" I turned myself invisible. Garroth came into the cave. He looked around, but he didn't see me. He went out of the cave. "APH!!!" Then he ran. I silently cried. I didn't want to go back. Everyone would suffer because of me. 

I went out of the cave. I looked around and turn myself visible. I sighed. Then I teleported to the hill where I could see all of Phoenix Drop. I saw Garroth there talking to Laurence. I could hear everything. He was yelling, "APHMAU RAN AWAY!" "WHAT!? WHY!?" "I don't know she just ran she said she had a nightmare and thought it would come true!" "We have to find her!" "Agreed. Check the east forest I'll check on the hill." They both left. "Garroth's trying to find me." I teleported to the docks. "APHMAU!" I looked back to see Garroth. "Aphmau!" He started running to me. I started to go further out the water. "APH! Please don't!" I turned to see the sunrise. I walked further into the water. "APH!!! PLEASE!" I kept walking. I was walking above the water. He kept pleading for me to come back, to not do it. I stopped, I was about 4 meters away from him. I turned to face him. "APH!" I smiled. Tears were streaming down my face, "Like the Shadow Lord said.... I'm not meant to be here." Then I fell. Everything was blue then turned into a pitch black. (DONT WORRY I WOULDN'T MAKE HER DIE AGAIN! DUH)

Garroths P.O.V

"N-no please no!" I started to cry. "She can't be gone! She can't!" Then I heard someone yell. "GARROTH!!" I looked back to see Laurence. "What's going on?" "She- she was here! But she fell into the ocean..." "WHAT!? SHE COMMITED!?" I nodded. "Garroth come on... we should go and tell everyone..." "Right..." Then my last tear fell from my face into the water.

(OK OK DO NOT KILL ME OK!! THERE A SECRET I CAN'T TELL YOU!! LOL CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry but I have to, leaves it in suspense. I hope this made y'all cry with the music on because it did for me!)

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