The sharpest lives chapter 7**

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(Gerard's POV) I walked home after the after art session to hear shouting...screaming... a familiar scream...Rain? All of a sudden she ran out of the house. She looked a state. I slowly ran over to her.

"Rain are you okay what's going on in there? "I asked.

"I'm fine! Stop butting into my business please and I won't but into yours eh?" She cried.

She slumped herself back inside the house followed by more shouting. Well I decided to go get drunk and to get hooked up. My normal Friday night shit. (Rain's POV) Don't know why your screaming bitch...your mum won't be back until late. No one will help!Simon laughed with a evil grin. Another hit, another swig from the bottle. Simon is mums new 'boyfriend' from work. We have hardly been in New Jersey for her to have a 'boyfriend' but that's my mum for you. I spin round as Simon takes one last blow before I shoot outside. I didn't care that it was pouring down with rain. I just walked. Walked. Walked until my legs could no longer carry me.

Out of luck my legs gave way outside Gerard and Mikey's house. It wasn't long until someone scooped me up bridal style and carried me from the rain into a warm house. Gerard.

(Mikey's POV)

I wander down the stairs. 1:34am. Why am I up so early? I walked into the living room when I saw Gee on the floor where it looked liked Rain well... Drenched in rain but I couldn't be certain.

"I told you she wouldn't be alright! Oh God I should have taken her when she ran out of the house!" Gerard cried and slurred at the same time.

Oh he was drunk. "Hey Gee it's going to be alright...she will be alright." I whispered.

I flicked the kettle on glancing back at Gerard who was fixing his eyes on Rain, never leaving her. I heard a cry.

"Gerard baby come on we didn't stop fucking!"A woman shouted from upstairs. Gerard glanced over at me. He'd got drunk and hooked up with someone. Lovely!

(Gerard's POV)

"I think I'm okay can get back to your 'fucking'...."Rain whispered.

I smiled at her. I got up and entered my bedroom and escorted the Barbie doll out of my room. I have her money and sent her out.

"Thought Mikey said you don't go for Barbie dolls eh? Rain giggled.

"Well that's only when I'm drunk!-..and let me clear you up." I exclaimed.

Mikey ran and got a pair of pj's from his room. I insisted that Rain slept in my bed so when she refused and fell asleep on the sofa, I carried her upstairs into my bed. She was so cute when she sleeps.


Hayyyy guys !! Hope your enjoying the story so far!! Please vote and comment please? ^_^   Gracie X}

The sharpest lives (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang