The sharpest lives chapter 41**

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I woke up at 7:00 due to my phone ringing. ugh. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I say with a groggy voice.

"Hello you rang yesterday about a job for a dancer at our new club, The Tiger?"

"Yes, yes! erm yeah that's me." I say getting excited.

"Could you come down tonight at 8pm? We can test you out with a regular customer."

I squeal. Oh wow this is my chance!

"Yeah sure that's cool. I'll come by at 8:00pm." I say excitedly.

"Good. Come in your normal clothes and we will pick an outfit out for you. See you then."

She hangs up.


I wait to hear Luke's bedroom door open.

"Ugh wh-at's wrong" Luke sighs, obviously just woken up.


"What one then ey? Told you you'd get one."

"It's a dancer at The Tiger, the new club." 

Luke looks at me. He frowns.

"Rain, that club could be dangerous, so be careful. But I trust you Babe." Luke smiles, hugging me.


I wake up and roll over. I smile. I won last night and brought home a beautiful girl to fuck. I stand up and leave a note saying that I had a good time. I put on my clothes and grab my car keys and leave the house. I get into the car, as my phone started ringing. I pick up;

"Hey Stacey, whats up?" I ask.

"Can you play at the club tonight? You can have free backstage passes and a free girl, she's new so I'm testing her." she pleads.

I smirk.

"So me and my band can play for free at The Tiger, AND I get a free girl. Hmm. Seems like a deal"

I hear Stacey sigh with relief.

"Thanks Gerard. Meet at 7 so you can set up and shit. See ya there." And she hung up. 

I drove back to the studio to be greeted by a angry looking brother.

"Gerard, what the fuck? It's half 1 and you was meant to be here by 9. Where have you been? And your hungover." Mikey groans.

"I had sex with that girl who I was with last night if you want to know, it was not the best but it was pretty good for her size." I smirk and Mikey gags.

We both walk in and settle down.

"Guys I have an announcement to make." 

The boys turn round and listen.

"Your finally admitting that your gay..the pants give it away" Frank sniggers.

"No, but sorry I know you want me Frankie boy" I wink.

"It is that I've been offered by Stacey to play at The Tiger tonight for free." I smile.

All the boys high five each other, when Mikey looks at me with a weird expression.

"And whats the catch then ay?" Mikey askes.

I smirk.

"I get a free girl." 

Everyone pretends to gag as I laugh.

Tonight's going to be good.

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