The sharpest lives chapter 49**

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I run out of the club and walk around to the back. I slump myself down and rub my temples. I breathe in the cold fresh air, and sigh. I'm starting to feel how I felt in high school all over again. But I can't go back. I can't believe I'm the one who's screwed up. He told me he loves me, and that I've wanted to hear for so many years, and still I push him away. My head falls to my curled up knees. Ugh.

"Hey chick you alright?" I familiar voice asks but I can't make out where from.

Not in the mood for talk I just sigh.

"I'm fine" I whispers, my teeth chattering.

The voice chuckles, and a body slumps down next to mine. 

"Don't 'fine' me! Your obviously not fine, and your freezing your self to death out here. Come on inside. Please?" The voice pleads.

I sigh and look up from my knees. Holy Shit.


"Rain?" Mikey smiles with excitement.

I nod with tears in my eyes as he engulfs me into a warm hug. Oh how I've missed Mikey.

"Rain, how the...Where have you been?" He asks.

"Gerard hasn't told you then?" I question, laughing at the same time.

Mikey's face changes to a frown.

"What do you mean hasn't told me? He knew you were here?"

I nod. I decide to tell him everything.

"So he didn't see you in the crowd when he hooked up with that retarded 13 year old?" Mikey giggles.

I shake my head and smile. The back door swings open and two men walk out, one with a very high pitched giggle.

Frank and Ray.

"Dude. Holy shit, Rain?" Ray squeals, cuddling me.

Frank jumps onto me causing me to shout out loud and fall into a fit of giggles. I so missed having these friends, and I wouldn't know how they would react to seeing me again. Mikey knew that me and Gerard had something going on, but Frank and Ray had no idea. 

"WE HAVE TO GO GET GERARD" Frank screams jumping up from me and running into the back door.

Oh shit.

The sharpest lives (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora