The sharpest lives chapter 57**

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This cell is so cold. The bed is only made up of of a metal slab placed on the floor with a extremely thin sheet of blanket with no pillow. Please God don't let me stay here. Last night was hell, I had no sleep and the guards gave me the most revolting porridge for dinner. What are we in? The 1600's?! At that moment the small sliding window slides open, letting some form of light shine in. I rush to the window where a police officer started to unlock the bolts on the heavy metal door. 

"Sir, you have been granted bail for the meantime as we assess the court case and gather more evidence." 

I walk out of the cell, handcuffed to the officer while being taken to the front desk. I stand there still cuffed to the officer. I was made to sign a contract, and several other papers until I was finally finished. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I heard a cough from behind me and turned around. It was Mikey. I ran over towards Mikey and embraced him into a tight brotherly hug. I get a quick check over from the officers at the station and I was let go. Mikey guided me towards the car. I stopped and turned to Mikey.

"Mikes, she doesn't want to see me does she?" I choke out.

Mikey smiles. And gestures towards the car. I raise both eyebrows and walk again towards the car. My eyes widen when I see Rain in the front seat, and she rushes to open the car door. She stumbles out and gives me the biggest hug. Mikey chuckles and sits back into the car, leaving me and Rain outside. She looks up at me with her gorgeous eyes. God I missed her.


Hey guys. WELL I AM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN YEARS! My last post I explained that I had started loosing my hair, well I got diagnosed with Alopecia. Sucks bad but I got a hair cut yesterday so hopefully that will help. My leg and back started to get a lot better, I was out of a wheelchair and off crutches all together but over the past week or so my leg has started to play up again which may result in crutches. OH WELL THATS ENOUGH ABOUT ME


I hope you're all okay and I once again apologise for the lack of updates but I have a lot on my plate rn, but hopefully I can update more frequently, and sorry for only a short chapter D:


xoxo g

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