The sharpest lives chapter11**

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I wake up, the sun blinding my eyes. I look around the room. I was in the basement. My clothes, or what was left of them. I had a jumper on with nothing underneath, my black skinny jeans that were down to my ankles and my hair was all knotted. I feared of what may have happened last night. I looked over the door, which was locked. I slowly crawled towards the window. I unlocked the latch and slipped out. 

Cold air, in fact freezing cold air hit my face as I rushed down the deserted street. I had no idea what the time was but it seemed to be very early in the morning as it was still dark out. I didn't know where I was heading untill I came up to the end of the road. It was the coffee shop. It meant I was only two minutes away from Gerard and Mikey's house. I couldn't keep running to them though. 

I was standing in the middle of the road when my thoughts got interrupted by a angry driver, cursing as I ran out of the way. I had decided to turn back and head for the coffee shop. I dragged myself towards the shop and slid inside.

"Hey sweet what can I get you?" The woman at the counter asked.

"Er, can I have a small bla-ck c-off-ee please." I struggled to get my words out.

I rummaged around in my pockets searching for the right amount of change when I caught the eye of the woman at the counter smiling and shaking her head.

"It's on the house sweet. You look like you need it" The woman said, turning round starting to make my coffee.


I wake up, the sun blinding my eyes. I sit up, and swing my legs off the side of my bed. 5:30. Great. Why am I up so freaking early I thought. I stand up stretching my arms as I walk over to the mirror. It then hits me.


It all comes back to me. Maybe I should text her? I can always ask Mikey for her number. Wait. She told me to stop caring, and butting it to her business. Maybe I should just leave her. She will probably be in school today, and i'm probably just over reacting. 

By the time I gather all my thoughts, and get down stairs its already 6:00. I flick the kettle on to make a coffee when Mikey appears behind me.

"Why are you up so early? Are you feeling alright? Your never up early, i'm usually screaming at you to get your but down here" Mikey chuckles.

I don't respond while I pour the coffee into two mugs and then handing one of the mugs to Mikey.

"Gee, You've been so weird ever since yesterday. What's going on?" Mikey asks while sipping his coffee.

I stare into my coffee and sigh.

"Rain was abused by this man, who I think lives with her. And when I dropped her off yesterday I confronted her about it. She screamed in my face, telling me it was none of my business and that I should stop caring. I can't stop caring about her Mikes. When she got to her front door the same man was there. I couldn't watch to I drove away." 

Mikey looked up at me, rather quickly.

"I KNEW IT! Rain came to school with a black eye and she shouted at me when I asked her what had happened." 

I looked at my watch.

"Shit! It's seven already!" I shouted running upstairs and jumping into the shower.

The sharpest lives (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon