The sharpest lives chapter 40**

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"The sun goes down" I sing as I finish the song.

Frank started clapping as I finished recording Vampires Will Never Hurt You.

"That was super rad dude." Mikey said, while slapping my back.

"Can we go the new Tiger club that's opened? Apparently there's some fresh meat there" I wink.

The guys laugh and agree. I grab my keys and they guys follow me behind as we all get into the car. It takes around 20 minutes to arrive and we are all pumped to get in. All I want is a fuck tonight. We stand in the que and show our id because obviously Frank still looks like a 12 year old. As we enter the club, the music is so loud we couldn't hear each other think. I pushed past everyone and sat down on an empty table where a pretty girl was dancing.

"Hey there girl looking for some fun?" I question.

She tuts at me, so I place a 50 dollar bill down her racy underwear. She giggles and carries on dancing. This one I will get tonight.


I have only 20 minutes left at work before I get to go home. I usually like working in Hot Topic but today I'm just real tired. A group of girls came in to the store and was looking around for around 10 minutes. Finally they came up to me.

"Hey have you got any mcr merch?" She asked.

"Mcr? What band is that?" I questioned.

They all looked at me with astonished faces like they had all been slapped.

"How the fuck do you not know My Chemical Romance?" One of them shouted.

"Just because I work here doesn't mean I have to know every band that was every created jesus christ!" I say with a bitter voice.

"Your so rude. I'm reporting you to the store. Hope you loose your job, then maybe you'll turn to My Chem. Weirdo." One girl said as they walked away. 

Ugh some customers can be real brats jesus. I had 5 minutes till I was due to leave and go home. Thank The Lord! My boss came over to me, and I knew what he was going to say. The girls obviously reported me, and he was going to give me a warning. Yay. 

"Rain your fired." He said and walked away.

I stood there with my jaw wide open. Fired? Are you fucking serious? I ran up behind him but he stopped me talking.

"Grab your stuff and leave Rain. Your sacked. Leave"

I grabbed my stuff and jumped over the counter. I turned round.

"This job was shit anyway. You fucking such dick!" I screamed as I ran out of the store. 

Great now I will only earn 10 dollars at the coffee shop. ugh. I catch the train home, and I HATE trains. ugh. They creep me out so much. I take my Iphone out of my back pocket. I log onto youtube and type in 'My Chemical Romance' 

There was a video called 'Vampires Will Never Hear You-Demo Version' 

I clicked on the video and plugged my earphones in and listened. 

Wow these guys were pretty good! The art work on the album cover was awesome. I listen to My Chemical Romance all the way home. 

I walked past the club that was newly built. The music was blaring but a notice outside the door caught my eye. 


I wrote down the number. I needed a fucking job and I bet you get tips from the perverts in there anyway. Here goes nothing.

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