The sharpest lives chapter 46**

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I watched a man dressed in black with is hood up enter the coffee shop. He was deliberately not looking at me. I carried on drinking my coffee as this man sat down and pulled out a sketch book. It was quite full with papers sticking out the the sides. He slowly opens the sketch book and looks ahead. I look back and listen to what Luke is telling me about this guy who he has met. I can sense this man staring at me, and it's making me quite uncomfortable. Luke gets a phone call from his 'Boyfriend' and he has to leave. I kiss him goodbye and go and order another coffee.

I have still been sitting in the shop for an hour when I notice the man smile at the sketch book. He had been drawing since he got to the coffee shop. He then looked up at me and a tear fell from his eye. He looked down and another tear fell. Was I making him cry? Ugh whatever I had to get to the club.  I stood up and walked towards the door as I hear the man also stand up. I walked out the door and to the club. I was greeted by a happy looking Stacey.

"RAIN! RAIN! COME HERE!" Stacey shouted with excitement.

I walked over to Stacey and slung my backpack over the chair.

"What is it?" I question.

Stacey's smile grows.

"The man who you had last night has booked you in for every night!" Stacey squeals

My mouth hangs open. EVERY NIGHT?!?! 

I groan and walk into the cubical once again to get changed. It's a different outfit each night. I put it on and groan once again. I still looked fat and you could see all my scars. I walk out of the cubical and give Stacey a fake smile. I walk out into the VIP area, and wait for this Gerard guy again. I wait around 20 minutes. I could hear him and his band play. They sounded pretty cool. I felt uncomfortable in these clothes. ugh.

Finally I heard someone close a door and come down a few steps. Gerard. I saw a smirk as he looked me up and down. Ew.

"What you waiting for?" he smiled.

I started dancing until he looked at my legs.

"What the fuck, dude if you want me to dance let me dance, don't look at my past." I shout. 

He looks at me through my mask and sighs. He sits down and his head drops to his hands. He looks up at me.

"I booked you in for the five days because there is something special about you and that I can't stay away from you." 

I look at him and frown underneigh my mask.

"I'm sorry, look here. Take this and I'm sorry. I just...Take this and I'm sorry." He sobs pushing dollars into my hands.

I shake my head and drop to my knees. 

"Look, I can't take your money. Your a cool guy, but I can't take your money. And I know your the type of guy who has sex with his dancer but I'm not like that. If you ordered me so we could have sex your all wrong okay?" 

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"When I first saw you with your mask on, and your scars you remind me of a girl in my past. I wont go into detail but I didn't order you to have a quick fuck, I just wanted to feel you because I want to feel her for one last time. I'm sorry if it sounds creepy but I just want to hold you." he cries.

I look at him, and I study his features. He sure looks like Gerard, and his name is. I just don't want to see him again. He made me try and kill myself. I can't.

Gerard stands up and grabs his bag. He unzips it and pulls out a black sketch book. The coffee shop. Holy Shit.

"You was the guy at the coffee shop?!" I shout scaring myself.

Gerards eyes widen.

"That was you?" Gerard gasps.

He opens his sketch book and a picture fell out.

I grabbed it before he could. It was a picture of a girl. That girl was me.

But this wasn't me at the coffee shop.

This was me sitting down at a desk. 

In school.

This is me. The man who is standing in front of me is that man that I tried to kill myself over.

Holy shit.

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