The sharpest lives chapter 20**

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This is it. I fucking fell for it. I skated back to Gerard's banging on the door. Mikey answered looking worried.

"Hey Rain. I was worried about you. Where have you been and why are you so angry?" Mikey asked.

"Maybe you should ask your fucking idiot of a brother!" I screamed. 

I ran past Mikey up the stairs and into Gerard's room. I grabbed my bag and shoved my remaining clothes into it. I could feel my mascara and eyeliner run down my cheek, but I had to ignore it. He wasn't worth my tears. He causes them. I opened the drawer next to the bed to find a packet of blades, a empty whiskey bottle and a small packet of what I suspected, drugs. I took a step back and pretended I didn't see anything. He's not my problem anymore.

I heard Mikey come into the room but I didn't take any notice.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on Rain? I'm really worried about you and Gee. Gerard's my brother, and your my best friend. Please explain." Mikey pleaded.

I stopped putting my clothes into my bad and turned around to face Mikey. I pulled him into a big hug and looked at him. 

"Mikey. You have been the best friend EVER. I love you like you are my own brother, okay? Don't ever forget that."

I look down at my feet.

"I just can't stand round waiting for the person, that I think I have fell in love with forever. Because if I do I am going to miss out on loads of chances with loads of other opportunities. Now I really have to go" 

And with that I slung my bag over my shoulder, kissed Mikey on the cheek and grabbed my skateboard. I ran downstairs jumping the last three steps. I grabbed a pen of the counter and a piece of paper from my pocket and scribbled a message down on the note;


Yeah I am leaving, and I know it will break my heart but I can't keep holding on to something that isn't there. Stay strong for Mikey and for me okay? I saw the blades, drink and drugs in your drawer. But I don't give a fuck remember? I'm just a fuck over.


I left the note on the kitchen table and walked out the door. I got my phone out and dialed the number. I held the phone to my ear to hear the cold voice;

"Welcome back Rain."

The sharpest lives (Gerard Way Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant